CGC Registry

HiTMAN's Punisher MAX (handful of issues)

Set Type: Punisher MAX (2004)
Owner: HiTMAN1099
Last Modified: 1/23/2021
Views: 593

Rank: 3
Score: 260
Leading by: 15
Points to Higher Rank: 90
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1020840004 Removed -38 2601/23/2021 5:32:14 AM
1020840003 Removed -38 2981/23/2021 5:32:14 AM
1020840002 Removed -38 3361/23/2021 5:32:13 AM
1020840001 Removed -38 3741/23/2021 5:32:13 AM
0075397036 Removed -35 41210/12/2020 5:32:12 AM
0096239027 Removed -35 44710/8/2020 1:05:42 PM
0099046051 Removed -40 48210/8/2020 5:32:23 AM
0083185006 Removed -60 52210/8/2020 5:32:22 AM
0079048029 Removed -40 58212/14/2018 4:12:32 PM
0001297008 Removed -35 6227/25/2018 6:56:07 PM
0976694002 Removed -35 6571/26/2018 12:23:45 AM
1020840002 Slot Score Reduced* -1 6923/9/2017 6:29:32 PM
1020840004 Slot Score Reduced* -1 6933/9/2017 6:14:06 PM
1020840001 Slot Score Reduced* -1 6943/9/2017 6:03:15 PM
1020840003 Slot Score Reduced* -1 6953/9/2017 6:01:37 PM
0001297008 Added 35 69611/2/2012 1:05:04 AM
Initial Score 661 6615/21/2011 3:07:05 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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