CGC Registry

HiTMAN's Complete Set

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man #201-#300
Owner: HiTMAN1099
Last Modified: 11/20/2024
Views: 1567

Rank: 15
Score: 12596
Leading by: 600
Points to Higher Rank: 460
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0068913009 Removed -112 1259611/20/2024 5:31:00 AM
0106693020 Slot Score Reduced* -200 127082/20/2024 5:51:39 PM
0115956008 Slot Score Increased* 1280 129085/15/2021 12:42:34 PM
0056123012 Slot Score Increased* 216 116285/12/2021 1:09:29 PM
0115956010 Slot Score Increased* 496 114125/12/2021 1:07:09 PM
0796586003 Slot Score Increased* 352 109165/12/2021 1:02:58 PM
0046300013 Removed -64 1056410/16/2020 5:33:17 AM
0115956008 Slot Score Increased* 360 1062810/9/2020 12:48:13 PM
0064612002 Removed -88 102684/11/2019 9:01:16 AM
0099470021 Removed -104 103562/7/2018 11:07:26 AM
0106693020 Slot Score Increased* 1200 104601/31/2018 11:44:55 AM
0796586003 Slot Score Increased* 572 92601/22/2018 3:55:10 PM
0090058002 Removed -104 86887/25/2016 10:50:40 PM
0627261009 Removed -64 87923/1/2016 9:23:01 AM
0042611017 Removed -88 88562/7/2016 1:03:27 AM
0068912007 Removed -88 89442/7/2016 1:03:14 AM
0048528005 Removed -88 90322/7/2016 1:02:55 AM
0910347005 Removed -104 91209/27/2015 12:31:24 PM
0043252003 Removed -96 92249/20/2015 8:57:24 AM
0106693020 Slot Score Increased* 300 93205/14/2015 11:31:22 AM
0023624057 Removed -64 90204/4/2015 9:30:41 AM
0064210024 Removed -88 90842/15/2015 2:34:41 PM
0068835006 Removed -88 917212/23/2014 3:02:08 PM
0068016014 Removed -120 926011/22/2014 2:06:01 AM
0046300021 Removed -64 938010/28/2013 6:06:35 PM
0046300019 Removed -144 944410/28/2013 6:06:24 PM
0028669011 Removed -64 958810/20/2013 9:49:36 AM
0028669006 Removed -110 96527/19/2012 4:42:07 PM
0042855016 Removed -140 97627/19/2012 4:41:57 PM
0041194005 Removed -110 99027/19/2012 4:41:47 PM
0067256009 Removed -80 100127/19/2012 4:41:28 PM
0068835009 Removed -110 100927/19/2012 4:41:18 PM
0796586003 Added 176 102021/24/2012 2:01:20 PM
0796586003 Slot Score Reduced* -158 100261/24/2012 1:59:21 PM
Initial Score 10184 1018412/15/2010 1:29:02 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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