CGC Registry

house of mystery #174-321

Set Type: House of Mystery #174-#321
Last Modified: 4/24/2024
Views: 642

Rank: 33
Score: 933
Leading by: 136
Points to Higher Rank: 207
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0706460020 Removed -36 10239/14/2022 6:56:36 AM
0807434010 Removed -270 10599/14/2022 6:56:25 AM
0706460020 Slot Score Reduced* -24 132912/8/2020 4:01:36 PM
0807434013 Slot Score Reduced* -10 135312/8/2020 4:01:31 PM
0051282005 Slot Score Increased* 58 136312/8/2020 4:01:31 PM
0911152012 Slot Score Reduced* -50 130512/8/2020 4:01:31 PM
0807434010 Slot Score Reduced* -30 135512/8/2020 4:01:26 PM
0807434012 Slot Score Increased* 80 138512/8/2020 4:01:26 PM
0706460018 Removed -60 13052/14/2014 5:09:16 AM
Initial Score 1365 13651/28/2010 9:14:40 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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