CGC Registry

Barry Conner Green Lantern #90- #200

Set Type: Green Lantern (1960) #90-#200
Owner: Barry Conner
Last Modified: 4/9/2021
Views: 1082

Rank: 1
Score: 8142
Leading by: 490
Points to Higher Rank: N/A
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
3753018002 Added 48 81424/9/2021 6:49:22 PM
3753018002 Removed -48 80944/9/2021 6:49:22 PM
3753018002 Added 48 81424/9/2021 6:48:56 PM
0767604013 Removed -30 80944/9/2021 6:48:56 PM
0947256012 Added 100 81247/17/2012 11:04:34 AM
0190295008 Added 48 80247/9/2012 7:17:09 PM
0767604016 Removed -30 79767/9/2012 7:17:07 PM
0808408013 Removed -80 80067/9/2012 7:17:01 PM
0968554008 Added 80 80867/15/2011 2:52:26 PM
0780366004 Removed -50 80067/15/2011 2:52:25 PM
Initial Score 8056 80565/1/2011 2:42:46 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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