CGC Registry

Tsarax's X-Men #1-300

Set Type: X-Men (1963) 1-300 Any Variant
Owner: tsarax
Last Modified: 4/26/2023
Views: 832

Rank: 23
Score: 64335
Leading by: 1695
Points to Higher Rank: 5845
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0035227012 Slot Score Increased* 337 643354/26/2023 3:21:14 PM
0108261011 Slot Score Increased* 167 639984/26/2023 3:20:25 PM
0796401002 Slot Score Increased* 5375 638314/26/2023 3:19:49 PM
0103038001 Slot Score Increased* 9450 584564/18/2023 3:32:59 PM
0108748002 Slot Score Increased* 70 490064/6/2023 3:11:45 PM
0029319003 Slot Score Increased* 1833 489362/15/2022 4:57:40 PM
0103038001 Slot Score Increased* 6090 4710310/11/2021 3:07:52 PM
0152132010 Slot Score Increased* 60 410136/8/2021 3:29:22 PM
0152132010 Slot Score Increased* 160 409535/15/2021 1:57:12 PM
0018879004 Slot Score Increased* 689 407935/15/2021 12:28:20 PM
0108261007 Slot Score Increased* 59 401045/12/2021 12:50:02 PM
0108261001 Slot Score Increased* 168 400455/12/2021 12:46:16 PM
0109246007 Slot Score Reduced* -378 398771/21/2020 9:53:19 AM
0796401002 Slot Score Increased* 825 402551/14/2020 1:15:37 PM
0109246007 Slot Score Increased* 725 394301/14/2020 10:05:38 AM
0103263002 Slot Score Increased* 556 387052/27/2018 10:30:57 AM
0103038001 Slot Score Increased* 4200 381492/27/2018 10:30:29 AM
0102625001 Removed -325 3394911/30/2015 10:17:00 AM
0103263001 Slot Score Increased* 1540 3427411/9/2015 12:01:05 PM
0103263001 Slot Score Reduced* -1540 3273411/9/2015 11:54:51 AM
0109336002 Slot Score Reduced* -36 342749/1/2015 3:05:10 PM
0018879004 Slot Score Reduced* -94 343109/1/2015 3:03:52 PM
0000260020 Slot Score Reduced* -57 344049/1/2015 3:03:49 PM
0109246007 Slot Score Reduced* -27 344619/1/2015 3:03:48 PM
0103677008 Slot Score Reduced* -6 344889/1/2015 3:03:37 PM
0103677009 Slot Score Reduced* -7 344949/1/2015 3:03:31 PM
0043106001 Slot Score Reduced* -63 345019/1/2015 3:03:30 PM
0042296006 Slot Score Reduced* -57 345649/1/2015 3:03:28 PM
0081054005 Slot Score Reduced* -63 346219/1/2015 3:03:27 PM
0027764006 Slot Score Reduced* -39 346849/1/2015 3:03:23 PM
0805725011 Slot Score Reduced* -63 347239/1/2015 3:03:20 PM
0103815002 Slot Score Reduced* -22 347869/1/2015 3:03:15 PM
0109246010 Slot Score Reduced* -31 348089/1/2015 3:03:15 PM
0103677007 Slot Score Reduced* -4 348399/1/2015 3:03:12 PM
0109246009 Slot Score Reduced* -3 348439/1/2015 3:03:02 PM
0109246006 Slot Score Reduced* -16 348469/1/2015 3:02:55 PM
0103677010 Slot Score Reduced* -13 348629/1/2015 3:02:55 PM
0149863002 Slot Score Reduced* -16 348759/1/2015 3:01:50 PM
0108261008 Slot Score Reduced* -19 348919/1/2015 3:01:49 PM
0113299001 Slot Score Reduced* -45 349109/1/2015 3:01:48 PM
0975824011 Slot Score Reduced* -99 349559/1/2015 3:01:44 PM
0024812003 Slot Score Reduced* -67 350549/1/2015 3:01:44 PM
0119081005 Slot Score Reduced* -16 351219/1/2015 3:01:42 PM
0956861006 Slot Score Reduced* -135 351379/1/2015 3:01:42 PM
0083236019 Slot Score Reduced* -99 352729/1/2015 3:01:41 PM
0108261011 Slot Score Reduced* -45 353719/1/2015 3:01:40 PM
0108261009 Slot Score Reduced* -19 354169/1/2015 3:01:39 PM
0119081004 Slot Score Reduced* -30 354359/1/2015 3:01:37 PM
0108261006 Slot Score Reduced* -67 354659/1/2015 3:01:37 PM
0108261010 Slot Score Reduced* -45 355329/1/2015 3:01:37 PM
Page 1 of 2 (62 items)
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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