CGC Registry

Conan the Barbarian by Barry Windsor-Smith (Extra 2)

Set Type: Conan the Barbarian #1-#24
Owner: Rune
Last Modified: 10/6/2021
Views: 677

Rank: 42
Score: 5899
Leading by: 186
Points to Higher Rank: 101
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0121526001 Slot Score Increased* 407 589910/6/2021 12:30:42 PM
1250301004 Slot Score Increased* 2333 549210/6/2021 11:53:34 AM
1250301001 Slot Score Increased* 275 315910/6/2021 11:50:41 AM
0084642004 Added 90 28842/13/2020 5:58:09 AM
0161652004 Removed -180 27942/13/2020 5:54:44 AM
0137093007 Removed -300 29747/2/2018 11:59:09 AM
1250301004 Added 500 32744/7/2015 9:13:29 AM
1250301002 Added 475 27744/7/2015 9:13:28 AM
1250301001 Added 475 22994/7/2015 9:13:28 AM
0121526001 Added 143 18241/29/2014 1:11:30 AM
0137093007 Added 300 16811/29/2014 1:11:29 AM
0121526001 Removed -143 13811/28/2014 9:09:31 AM
0137093007 Removed -300 15241/28/2014 9:09:31 AM
0137093007 Added 300 18249/18/2013 10:35:18 AM
0161652004 Added 180 15249/11/2013 10:55:49 AM
0084642004 Removed -90 13449/11/2013 10:54:27 AM
0084642004 Added 90 14348/16/2013 3:14:42 AM
0084642004 Removed -90 13448/16/2013 2:02:48 AM
0001085021 Slot Score Increased* 8 14348/27/2012 1:04:11 PM
0719431003 Slot Score Reduced* -45 14268/27/2012 1:04:09 PM
0084642004 Slot Score Increased* 7 14718/27/2012 1:04:07 PM
0121526001 Slot Score Increased* 15 14648/27/2012 1:04:07 PM
0084642003 Slot Score Increased* 7 14498/27/2012 1:04:06 PM
0084642007 Slot Score Increased* 8 14428/27/2012 1:04:04 PM
0719431003 Added 900 14347/19/2012 2:36:54 PM
0121526001 Added 128 5341/30/2012 11:00:17 AM
0084642007 Added 120 4067/30/2011 1:10:24 PM
Initial Score 286 2863/24/2011 4:17:54 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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