CGC Registry

Just Warren Issues

Set Type: Famous Monsters Warren Publishing
Owner: tj watson1
Last Modified: 9/5/2024
Views: 422

Rank: 2
Score: 22066
Leading by: 8206
Points to Higher Rank: 91787
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0501293001 Slot Score Increased* 195 220669/5/2024 2:45:13 PM
0957089001 Slot Score Increased* 325 218719/5/2024 2:45:13 PM
0086306014 Slot Score Increased* 195 215469/5/2024 2:45:13 PM
0500479013 Slot Score Increased* 173 213519/5/2024 2:45:13 PM
0502292005 Slot Score Increased* 75 211789/5/2024 2:15:29 PM
1001151002 Slot Score Increased* 325 211039/5/2024 2:15:29 PM
0633480004 Slot Score Increased* 195 207789/5/2024 2:15:29 PM
1269447005 Slot Score Increased* 98 205839/5/2024 2:15:29 PM
0500475005 Slot Score Increased* 98 204859/5/2024 2:15:29 PM
0500475015 Slot Score Increased* 195 203879/5/2024 2:15:29 PM
0500598005 Slot Score Increased* 195 201929/5/2024 2:15:29 PM
0501626016 Slot Score Increased* 195 199979/5/2024 2:15:29 PM
0500747002 Slot Score Increased* 195 198029/5/2024 2:15:29 PM
0800448007 Slot Score Increased* 195 196079/5/2024 2:15:29 PM
1004760010 Slot Score Increased* 45 194129/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0502301001 Slot Score Increased* 6 193679/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0500853005 Slot Score Increased* 23 193619/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
1004760003 Slot Score Reduced* -175 193389/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
1159918002 Slot Score Increased* 75 195139/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0065491023 Slot Score Reduced* -555 194389/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0088336005 Slot Score Increased* 45 199939/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0633479013 Slot Score Increased* 23 199489/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0211644002 Slot Score Increased* 23 199259/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
1343601016 Slot Score Increased* 23 199029/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0608589010 Slot Score Increased* 23 198799/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0500472004 Slot Score Reduced* -277 198569/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0099261004 Slot Score Increased* 75 201339/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0628421010 Slot Score Reduced* -105 200589/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0608589011 Slot Score Increased* 45 201639/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0628244013 Slot Score Reduced* -52 201189/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0746237003 Slot Score Increased* 23 201709/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0907622005 Slot Score Reduced* -52 201479/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0628244015 Slot Score Reduced* -52 201999/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
0012047032 Slot Score Increased* 45 202519/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
2220759010 Slot Score Increased* 45 202069/5/2024 2:15:21 PM
1268061002 Slot Score Reduced* -559 201619/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
1093503004 Slot Score Reduced* -351 207209/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
0181423002 Slot Score Reduced* -559 210719/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
0501269011 Slot Score Reduced* -351 216309/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
0502020002 Slot Score Reduced* -835 219819/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
1096466001 Slot Score Reduced* -559 228169/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
1001156001 Slot Score Reduced* -141 233759/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
0098284010 Slot Score Reduced* -1005 235169/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
1109511006 Slot Score Reduced* -555 245219/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
1109511004 Slot Score Reduced* -925 250769/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
0800448002 Slot Score Reduced* -1480 260019/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
0501209004 Slot Score Reduced* -555 274819/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
0800448003 Slot Score Reduced* -1480 280369/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
0633479003 Slot Score Reduced* -555 295169/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
0502020001 Slot Score Reduced* -2752 300719/5/2024 2:15:15 PM
Page 1 of 3 (101 items)
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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