CGC Registry


Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 1-100
Owner: jasonxz
Last Modified: 11/2/2021
Views: 591

Rank: 371
Score: 1022
Leading by: 14
Points to Higher Rank: 40
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0944966002 Slot Score Increased* 149 102211/2/2021 9:28:53 AM
0164725006 Slot Score Increased* 100 8731/14/2020 11:47:17 AM
1039301006 Removed -500 7738/6/2019 8:40:20 AM
0944966002 Slot Score Increased* 61 12735/4/2018 12:16:32 PM
0765920016 Removed -435 121210/3/2017 10:34:17 AM
0164725006 Added 300 16475/19/2013 10:24:58 PM
0125183003 Removed -756 13473/20/2013 10:36:16 AM
0944966002 Added 252 21032/23/2013 8:56:53 PM
0700950002 Removed -240 18512/23/2013 8:27:14 PM
0125183003 Slot Score Increased* 168 209111/28/2011 3:34:22 PM
0700950002 Added 240 192310/17/2011 2:59:36 PM
1039301006 Added 500 16837/19/2011 8:35:01 PM
0090551009 Removed -140 11837/19/2011 8:34:59 PM
Initial Score 1423 14234/25/2011 11:48:55 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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