CGC Registry

Everything But The Kitchen Sienk

Set Type: Bill Sienkiewicz Covers
Owner: bagofleas
Last Modified: 6/11/2021
Views: 902

Rank: 1
Score: 6446
Leading by: 1917
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

I have requested a few different sets to be created and always provided lists to help with their creation.

But this is without a doubt my favorite one! I had to wait six months from request to completion for this set to exist. And making the list was tough. There are so many covers he has done over the years and in so many different series and sets.

I hope many of you, like Ronnylama, Tnerb and others who also share my love of everything Sienkiewicz can now enjoy being able to present their CGC copies of his covers, many of which aren't available in the registry in any other set.

I also want to thank both Ronnylama and Tnerb for their generous help in my acquiring some of these.
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