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Transformers: Stormbringer 2 |
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Transformers: Stormbringer 2 |
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Synopsis: Issue #2
Jetfire is interrogated by the Decepticon Bludgeon, who is leading a team intending (more...)Synopsis: Issue #2
Jetfire is interrogated by the Decepticon Bludgeon, who is leading a team intending to continue what the dormant Thunderwing started. Jetfire pleads with Bludgeon, reminding him that Thunderwing's rampage was what devastated Cybertron. Bludgeon counters that all Transformers are responsible for what happened to their world, and Thunderwing, the Decepticon scientist who predicted the environmental catastrophe that struck Cybertron, warned Jetfire and several others. They all dismissed him, and Thunderwing attempted to take action. Now, however, Bludgeon and his group will restore Cybertron by restoring Thunderwing: a mass sacrifice of other planets will be offered to appease the spirit of Cybertron, and Thunderwing will be the sacrificer. In the meantime, Optimus Prime receives a report on the destruction of the Calabi-Yau and decides to call in the Wreckers in case Thunderwing is indeed returning.
Bludgeon commences restoring power to Thunderwing using the energon pocket detected by the Calabi-Yau, and reveals that he is using the Technobots as raw material for the "grafting process" that Thunderwing created. Jetfire warns that the grafting is what drove Thunderwing insane, and that Thunderwing is too powerful and dangerous to be controlled. Bludgeon says that he isn't going to directly control Thunderwing. Using an axis-cradle that links the user to Thunderwing's blank neural processor, Bludgeon will give hints and directional prompts to Thunderwing, pointing him toward the sacrificed planets. The rest will be left to Thunderwing's own instincts. Jetfire attempts to stop Bludgeon, but is disabled.
Nosecone and Afterburner leave their escape pod and make their way across the surface of Cybertron, but the cosmic radiation plays havoc with their systems and they are rounded up by a pair of Centurion drones.
Having received the distress beacon, Optimus Prime journeys to Cybertron with a group of Autobots, assigning the Wreckers to rendezvous with them. Springer tells Prime they may want to consider simply destroying the planet, as Thunderwing is supposedly indestructible. Though hesitant, Prime says he'll consider that option. He remembers back to Megatron advocating the same tactic, but Prime refused, and threatened retaliation if Megatron tried.
A Decepticon infiltration unit on the planet Nebulos picks up something big and powerful exiting foldspace. The people of the planet look to the sky and flee in fear. The apocalypse has arrived—and its name is Thunderwing...
Released: August 9, 2006 (less...)
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Transformers: Stormbringer 3 |
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Transformers: Stormbringer 3 |
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Synopsis: Issue #3
Thunderwing continues to devastate the surface of Nebulos, while on Cybertron, Bludgeon (more...)Synopsis: Issue #3
Thunderwing continues to devastate the surface of Nebulos, while on Cybertron, Bludgeon prepares to submit himself to the polydermal grafting process. On the dead planet's surface, Nosecone and Afterburner are attacked by Centurion drones, but are rescued by the Wreckers, who have arrived with Optimus Prime.
On Nebulos, Decepticon infiltration unit led by Darkwing decide to attack Thunderwing. However, Darkwing makes an agreement with Dreadwind to flee the scene if it gets too rough.
On Cybertron, the Autobots dig into Bludgeon's bunker and easily overcome his teammates. Iguanus flees to the pressure vat chamber, seeking Bludgeon, only to discover a massive figure wielding a glowing sword.
The Decepticons of Nebulos attempt to attack Thunderwing, but are easily killed one by one. True to their agreement, Dreadwind and Darkwing flee the planet after picking up Thrust.
The Wreckers breach the pressure vat chamber and discover a catatonic Bludgeon within his shell, Iguanus, dying from being cleft in two by Bludgeon's sword, and Jetfire, who tells Optimus Prime to shut down Bludgeon's axis cradle, a request with Springer obliges with his firepower.
Dreadwind and Darkwing send a message to Razorclaw, who in turn contacts the High Command. After being briefed, Megatron authorizes Razorclaw to do what ever is necessary to stop Thunderwing, even if it means destroying Cybertron in the process. There, Jetfire gets to work on the data in Bludgeon's computers, but an orbital warning sounds—with Bludgeon's control system destroyed, Thunderwing is returning home...
Released: September 6, 2006 (less...)
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Transformers: Stormbringer 4 |
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Transformers: Stormbringer 4 Modern |
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Synopsis: Issue #4
As Thunderwing speeds through hyperspace toward Cybertron, Optimus Prime and the (more...)Synopsis: Issue #4
As Thunderwing speeds through hyperspace toward Cybertron, Optimus Prime and the Wreckers frantically prepare for his arrival. They're not the only ones; under Megatron's orders, the Predacons aboard the Decepticon warship Thanatos prepare to bombard Cybertron from orbit in order to destroy Thunderwing once and for all, though Razorclaw harbors reservations. As the Autobots engage Thunderwing, Razorclaw orders Divebomb to take a group of Decepticons and fight alongside the Wreckers.
Jetfire finally uncovers an item in Bludgeon's files; if Thunderwing is subjected to a massive assault, he will drain his supply of Ultra-Energon ever faster. Dogfight reprograms Bludgeon's remaining Centurion drones (of which there are many), adding to the combined Transformers' firepower. As the drones are destroyed and Razorclaw orders his Decepticons back, Optimus Prime moves in, blasting Thunderwing until he runs out of energon. Razorclaw cancels his warship's bombing run at the last second.
Returning to the Autobot command hub aboard Ark-27, Optimus Prime receives a communiqué from Jetfire, who has uncovered further information in Bludgeon's files—a Decepticon plan, Regenesis, involving a planet called Earth. Connecting this information with the update he received from Prowl's unit, Prime orders a change of course.
Released: October 18, 2006 (less...)