Slot: |
Daredevil 219 |
Item: |
Daredevil 219 Modern |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
A 9.8 WP Copy.
I have one more at 9.6WPSS by Frank Miller!
CENSUS: 20 in 9.8, 7 in 9.6 out of 37 graded copies.
2SS copies, the highest is my 9.6 copy as of March 2019.
Slot: |
Daredevil 226 |
Item: |
Daredevil 226 Modern |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
A 9.8 WP Copy.
This was a tough comic to get, then I got TWO, *and sold the other...
CENSUS: 15 at 9.8, 6 at 9.6 out of 30 graded copies.
ONE SS copy only at 9.8 as of September 2021.
Denny O'Neil & Frank Miller story, David Mazzucchelli & Dennis Janke art, David Mazzucchelli cover
Slot: |
Daredevil 227 |
Item: |
Daredevil 227 |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
A 9.8 WP SS Copy.
Signed by Stan Lee.
Frank Miller Story with Mazzucelli Cover.
The most popular of the later Miller covers.
CENSUS: 131 in 9.8, 48 at 9.6 out of 232 graded copies.
18SS Copies, 7 at 9.8. Many of these are SS by Frank Miller
Trivia...the solo issue graded 6.0 was also mine...but if you wear your Superman glasses apparently there was a very very very faint water stain from something on the back, destroying the value of an otherwise perfect looking comic. So beware of what is hiding on the BACK when you grade a comic!
Prior notes...
88 issues graded at 9.8.
Only 4 SS issues, 2 at 9.8 as of January 2016.
Published February 1986. That's 30 years already!!
Slot: |
Daredevil 228 |
Item: |
Daredevil 228 Signature |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
A 9.8 WP SS Copy.
SS by Frank Miller.
CENSUS: 125 in 9.8, 28 at 9.6 out of 174 graded copies.
13 SS copies, 10 at 9.8, the highest grade as of September 2021.
Frank Miller story, David Mazzucchelli cover & art
Prior notes...
CENSUS: 87 in 9.8, 18 at 9.6 out of 115 graded copies.
4 SS copies, 3 at 9.8 as of March 2019.
Also had a 9.6 WP Copy.
Comic Description:
Daredevil 228 3/86 Marvel Comics
Grader Notes:
light spine stress lines to cover
Prior notes...
Miller again.
68 copies graded 9.8, only 2 of those SS yellow labels.
January 2016.
Slot: |
Daredevil 229 |
Item: |
Daredevil 229 Signature |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
A 9.8 WP SS Copy.
The HARDEST TO GET in Miller Part 2 set !!
CENSUS: 21 at 9.8, 27 in 9.6 out of 68 graded copies.
2 SS Copies, only 1 at 9.8.
Prior notes...
18 copies graded 9.8 as of January 2016.
A solo 9.6 SS copy as of January 2016.
Slot: |
Daredevil 230 |
Item: |
Daredevil 230 Modern |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
A 9.8 WP Copy.
Another hard to get Miller issue, probably due to the black spine in the typical crease areas.
That's his mom in the letterbox...Published May 1986.
My 9.8 issue submitted to Miller for his SS got downgraded to a 9.6. Try try again...
CENSUS: 45 in 9.8, 50 in 9.6 out of 148 graded copies.
13 SS copies, 3 in 9.8 as of November 2021.
Since Miller started doing autographs, the CGC numbers have jumped in 2 years.
prior notes...
CENSUS: 24 at 9.8, 28 at 9.6 out of 76 graded copies.
7 SS copies, 2 at 9.8 as of March 2019.
Prior notes...
Only 16 in 9.8 as of Jan 2016.
Highest SS copy is a 9.6 as of January 2016.
Slot: |
Daredevil 231 |
Item: |
Daredevil 231 Signature |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
A 9.8 WP SS Copy.
SS by Frank Miller.
CENSUS: 84 at 9.8, 19 at 9.6 out of 113 graded copies.
6SS copies, 4 at 9.8 as of March 2019.
Prior notes...
53 copies graded 9.8 as of January 2016.
One SS copy at 9.8 as of January 2016
Published June 1986.
Slot: |
Daredevil 232 |
Item: |
Daredevil 232 Signature |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
A 9.8 WP SS Copy.
Signed by Stan Lee.
CENSUS: 1 now at 9.9, 120 at 9.8, 70 at 9.6 out of 242 graded comics.
13 SS Copies, 6 at 9.8, this is one of them as of March 2019.
Prior Notes...
ONE copy now in 9.9,
58 graded copies at 9.8,
4 SS copies, with 2 SS copies at 9.8 as of January 2016 and this is one of them!
Slot: |
Daredevil 233 |
Item: |
Daredevil 233 Signature |
Grade: |
Cert #: |
Owner Comments
A 9.8 WP SS Copy.
Signed by Stan Lee.
Also have a 9.8 WP Copy SS by Frank Miller, the second photo.
CENSUS: 117 at 9.8, 45 at 9.6 out of 200 graded copies.
10 SS Copies, 7 at 9.8 as of September 2022.
Key Comments. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor & Nuke appearance.
Art Comments Frank Miller story, David Mazzucchelli cover & art.
Prior notes...
CENSUS: 103 at 9.8
7SS copies, 4 at 9.8 as of March 1, 2022.
prior notes...
CENSUS: 79 at 9.8, 26 at 9.6 out of 118 graded copies.
4 SS copies, 3 at 9.8 as of March 2019
Prior notes...
63 copies graded 9.8, with only 2 of them SS at 9.8 as of April 2016.