CGC Registry

A Novel Idea !

Set Type: Marvel Graphic Novel (1982) All Variants
Owner: bagofleas
Last Modified: 5/20/2015
Views: 1288

Rank: 2
Score: 2535
Leading by: 1743
Points to Higher Rank: 2216

Set Description:

There are so few of these out there in graded condition worth owning due to many of them having dark to black covers, but they really are cool!

Being larger and more cumbersome than regular comics also seems to make these harder to find in gradable condition. At one point in my life, I owned all of these, though not in the kind of condition I will require of myself to get them when it comes to CGC copies.

I will be hard pressed to settle for 9.6 copies, but if no 9.8's exist or if they are extremely cheap, I may do so. I will however strive for all 9.8's with this set.

This set also contains the origin & 1st appearance of one team of mutants that you may have heard of. (wink) Check out #4!
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