Set Description:
Woo Hoo! Venom is on the track to become his own Private Investigator, err, umm, I mean his own Lethal Protector. Err I guess for other's as well. Even comically described in the movies as such. Can't keep a good symbiote down! Venom in the Classics! I wonder if that cover graphic has held true in popularity all this time. With added 1st appearances and keeping the character built up, at the time, they didn't quite over do this character; although, Venom was similar as the Punisher. It would be a close 2nd to hundreds of issues in the early 90's. He was that popular!
It is good to have friends and or people to rely on, as Venom will find out. Provided he isn't labeled an enemy of the state first!
Off the backboard and a two-point bucket sounds the betrayal of most symbiotes, while the sound of the cremating deafens Venom and Spider alike. We have got to shake it up and not worry about two left feet when in walks those seekers of prey. The comics seem at this time to only want Eddie Brock and Venom to stick around and play. We all need or have enemies, and although we probably don't want to "have to" 'deal' with them, we should love them all the same, as some even were we! With Shriek as an aptly called after symbiote and other precarious type named bed fellows among those symbiotes, in this limited series of "head changers", it only strikes the chord that Venom should be your A #1 guy! "Love that Venom!"

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Venom: Lethal Protector 1 |
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Venom: Lethal Protector 1 Modern |
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1st Venom in "His own title." Doesn't necessarily mean that it is an ongoing, or it might have started out to be? Given to me by the Boardie PunisherPunisherPunisher, Chad is a great friend! I paid for grading and 9.4. I'll take it! Glad to have added a great cover to the collection. There are many, but this is mine and with a story to tell. I'm often surprised, but the people I see at ComiCon's to have Sam De La Rosa do a sketch on this issue, would number well into the 100's. Over the years, I've come to find that he lives near Dallas, and goes to nearly every event. Way to stay humble and keep up that work. I even was awarded a Venom T-shirt and poster, by Sam De La Rosa proudly displayed in my "comic room", at a prescreen of the first Venom movie, by answering what Venom's 1st full appearance was in a trivia contest! Those were the early days of prescreens, for me!
Complete with a back cover picture of the POSTER I got for free at that first Venom Prescreen, decked out and displayed in my comic room! It is surrounded by a good company of bagged and boarded 90's reprint comics from the Dallas Newspaper. Any Spider-man for reading will do!
Grader Notes:
very light indent right bottom of back cover;
very light indent right top of back cover.
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Venom: Lethal Protector 4 |
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Venom: Lethal Protector 4 Modern |
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1st appearance of Scream (Donna Diego). Spider-Man appearance. Donated to the collection as a raw by Chad, boardie PunisherPunisherPunisher, by means of driving him around the states, and situated to come over from Australia! It was a time of comic hunting and making the trip worth the value of friendship and comradery! Time well served for this the Venom Scream that is turn to dust rubble by the end of the limited series. Symbiotes are being farmed and or bred to make new usable additions to what could become a power or force for evil. Venom seeing the threat offers the soundwaves that reduce the stable chemicals and variables turning the offspring from ash to ash and dust to dust. A very sinister figure is Venom with Eddie Brock at the helm that has a soft spot for Aunt May in that twisted theme of after Mary Jane's visit, showing up at good old Aunt May's asking if Peter can, "Come Out and Play!"
Complete with a back cover picture of, similar to symbiotes from space and the moon specifically, Sofia Boutella! A Netflix streaming original in Rebel Moon, and don't forget Kingsman!! Why? Did I "dork it up" by wearing a lightsaber? Because I owned one, had fixed it, and it was the thought to use it. HA-HA! The only other time I had was with the Pink Power Ranger. All aboard the grain market, and train with hops beer at the Secret Service! It takes in the culture and flavor of harvesting, but what happens when, such as with Venom from space and when heirs turn to dust, we've gone from profiting to war!? The dichotomy is similar, "if salt loses its flavor how and with what will it be seasoned?" Matthew 5:13
Grader Notes Unavailable.
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