CGC Registry

Atlas Agents! War of the Realms

Set Type: War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas (2019) All Variants
Last Modified: 7/22/2021
Views: 460

Rank: 11
Score: 25
Leading by: 10
Points to Higher Rank: 15

Set Description:

These plucky individuals need the goal set before them to have an end, and for victory to be won, the realms will have to FIGHT! Keeping it coming together with the newer heroes, while banded together with bonds of the battle torn! Often enough when facing troubles together, it can bond anyone together, even begin relationships that last years. Perhaps that is the goal with this series, and not only with us readers! Those who hear and word of mouth can bring in fans, too.
Time to regroup and belong to a team. With locker talk and strategy at the ready, the big names here are trying to sort it all out.

This beyond the Golden Age reboot was asking for new blood, and by giving life, the hope springs eternal. Bargain bins, friends and late-night travels finds the New Agents of Atlas! By way of the Kung-Fu or the Web, it is all crawling out of the woodwork to kick into high gear. Covers that show the team building or characters of their own accord getting down to business. It is in the nuance that these published issues with many a first appearance take the stage for all of the above. Times past when New Comic Book Day was a flutter with wares and desires to fill out the crevice's and make our days full. Walking the day out for issues etc. to bark and haggle, it is all to make the keepers and relationships for the collection.

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