CGC Registry

The Hush Goes Over The Crowd!

Set Type: Batman #608-#619 (2002) All Variants
Last Modified: 9/18/2021
Views: 425

Rank: 81
Score: 65
Leading by: 3
Points to Higher Rank: 4

Set Description:

Newsstands!! Run from them or to them, as they come out of the woodwork! The Hush storyline is prevalent and relevant, and the issue covers have graced the screens of shows, like the Big Bang Theory. Doing things heartily is the motto for the run, not just like "poultry" without a head. We gobble it up though! While Hush is stealing the "glow up", the Bat's rendition may seem to take a backseat, but Hush is getting initiative and taking it out on people with ease!
Batman! With a Jim Lee run of cover art, who has stood as a testament to the tried and true in appreciation! Repetitious at times, but easy on the eyes as well!

The night air crisp with ink, while paper is applied, and while the order is often sought the other way, there are those who commit the crime before the ink can dry. In short, purposed criminals are signing their own warrants with the actions they are purposefully planning to commit! Commissioner Gordon sometimes thinks it is too much paperwork anyway, and even the Batman has to morally check in some weapons lest he be tempted. Devices found by bad guys are brought to all kinds of labs and batcaves for analysis lest they be shortsighted and left alone for someone to just pick up. Commissioner Gordon feels the same about all the criminals as the Batman feels about those devices, and yet if you have found one of those poor souls with a broken member in an alley? It is due to a Bats rather than Mr. Gordon. One is the night, and the other is a licensed professional. Ha-ha. This is Gotham in a general sense, the likes of which happen in our minds the whole time in which we read of exciting dissolving's of issues with breakdowns among the Batman and criminals.

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