CGC Registry

KrackenKomics Venom Comp.

Set Type: Venom (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: Patrick Horn
Last Modified: 9/11/2021
Views: 231

Rank: 4
Score: 1198
Leading by: 551
Points to Higher Rank: 394

Set Description:

This is a labor of love. I remember when I first saw that shining red foil cover. It was like red gold and I've had gold fever ever since. I have accumulated everything Venom: Lethal Protector Including dozens of books that are not on this list, some graded some not just yet. I acquired the blck error issue in a 9.8 and signature series books. Multiple #1 issue s.s. books in 9.8 and an issue #2 in 9.8 s.s. I intend to have every book in this group signed and yellow labeled in the next year, so hopefully this score will be moving up. I fully intend to eventually make this collection the greatest Venom collection on the planet.
comic_category_sm Set Type

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