CGC Registry

Amazing Spider-man (cont.)

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man (Complete with Variants) LEGACY
Last Modified: 12/13/2024
Views: 970

Rank: 96
Score: 12031
Leading by: 288
Points to Higher Rank: 96

Set Description:

These Variants!!!! Did we mention there are a lot of covers and artists that contributed to the continuation of everyone's favorite arachnid? Especially with NEW SUITS OF ARMOR! Spidey needs rejuvenation, and every once in a while, he hits it 100% out of the Park, er! Yes, he is sarcasm oriented, sometimes it's too far Parker! He da man that I met one time- Red Hot Chili Peppers had it right in Sir Psycho Sexy, the spider lives on! He da man, da man, he da man!
Girls, Girls, Girls!!

The "legacy" continues by webbing out the nostalgia to the past, present, and future comes the Amazing Spider-man (cont.)! In here lies the way of the Spider-verse, it's very substance that can establish, curate, and postpone the day-to-day issues with even more issues that show how to overcome. By way of Peter Parker, Mary Jane and a Goblin or two, it is these carnages that absolve the venoms to take out the mask of responsibility and show a greater power in us all! All villains are not heroes and vice versa and even double negatives and or double entendres are the ways of sarcasm when it comes to Peter Parker and an Amazing Spider-man! These issues pack them all between the halls of Marvel Comics!

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