CGC Registry

X-men ----- Continues to be Uncanny!

Set Type: X-Men (Complete Including Variants) LEGACY
Last Modified: 2/13/2025
Views: 824

Rank: 60
Score: 19896
Leading by: 1185
Points to Higher Rank: 37

Set Description:

The X-men Complete, which turns into Uncanny as the title, in issue #'114 I believe, but all are classic! Issue by issue, the story is working toward the truth about the Mutants! The X-men want to keep all safe from hatred, and for people to understand the differences between the strange and normal man. To bond and live in harmony, not necessarily a utopia, that would be more the Magneto way. Magneto would want to usher one in for the mutants, to where they are the ones in charge, as a form of superior beings!
Feuds galore and they still have time to get married or have vendetta's as well. To be a construction worker back then must have offered a lot of work repairing buildings and roads!

Those front runners have become time honored past times within the hobby culture, and with those precepts and lines upon lines comes the variants. No variance within the storytelling, however, and therein lies why the X-men have stuck around to become their own kind of character being, and within the X-titles. Expounded, world building, and personal growth can be seen taking up what started out as a handful of mutants, and now we have those covers of variants, with collected editions to enjoy and handle with some respect for what they have represented. Stick around, as it may all happen once more with the idea of marketing and presenting a culture that keeps the peace, while making new scenarios for missions and achievements.

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