CGC Registry

X-men, Classic Stan and Kirby

Set Type: X-Men (1963) 1-66
Last Modified: 4/26/2023
Views: 455

Rank: 237
Score: 1433
Leading by: 137
Points to Higher Rank: 70

Set Description:

The Juggernaut Cometh, and the locusts are out! Add the polarizing Reds, and we've got the school of thought that needs the mutants to even the tide! Xavier is the teacher, but he'll do some skilled strategizing of his own! Xavier keeps his tutelage sharpened, in order to have the students under his care become organized and successful. Like a parent, who loves their kids! Xavier takes each X-men very seriously on the individual and group basis, to instruct and have them become more productive!
Stan Lee and who else but Kirby, the run exists due to them!! Alert My Mutants!! ~ Xavier.

X-men come when called, or when the bell rings in their psyche to assemble the group. Xavier does well in lessons learned, and early on tries hard on the reins that it takes to keep organized with a goal in mind. He has his philosophies that take a mental note for the group to wrap around a cause, and in this way, he has trained and provided those ways to make sure the good and the right are not lost to those keeping on the firing line. Nor even lagging behind, they have found themselves subservient to their tutelage, but it is mostly within their core members and bonds of then found friendship and love. Those make the ties that bind, and Cyclops is first in command under Xavier, with Marvel Girl following up as a love interest.

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