Set Description:
The Juggernaut Cometh, and the locusts are out! Add the polarizing Reds, and we've got the school of thought that needs the mutants to even the tide! Xavier is the teacher, but he'll do some skilled strategizing of his own! Xavier keeps his tutelage sharpened, in order to have the students under his care become organized and successful. Like a parent, who loves their kids! Xavier takes each X-men very seriously on the individual and group basis, to instruct and have them become more productive!
Stan Lee and who else but Kirby, the run exists due to them!! Alert My Mutants!! ~ Xavier.
X-men come when called, or when the bell rings in their psyche to assemble the group. Xavier does well in lessons learned, and early on tries hard on the reins that it takes to keep organized with a goal in mind. He has his philosophies that take a mental note for the group to wrap around a cause, and in this way, he has trained and provided those ways to make sure the good and the right are not lost to those keeping on the firing line. Nor even lagging behind, they have found themselves subservient to their tutelage, but it is mostly within their core members and bonds of then found friendship and love. Those make the ties that bind, and Cyclops is first in command under Xavier, with Marvel Girl following up as a love interest.

The gallery tab shows only items with images. Click the thumbnails to enlarge. |
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X-Men 13 |
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X-Men 13 Signature |
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Signature Series by Stan Lee on 3/19/16. 2nd appearance of the Juggernaut. I was silly to sell my #12 1st appearance signed by Stan! Stan Lee story, the X-men battle the brother of Professor Xavier! Will it be to the end of the relationship? They had trip wires and all kinds of gadgets going off that triggered the alarm, that the Juggernaut was not only at the mansion but busting through the door! That story is here to be continued in this issue; they've got to configure a way out on how to stop the Juggernaut! He's called "The Unstoppable" for a reason. Reasoning is one thing, but if anyone changes their mind or is too stubborn, then there goes the neighborhood. Keeping it simple, Xavier has got to pick out the best compliments in the X-men powers and work the angles. Juggernaut is getting his insults in early and trying to continue the feud himself and on his own terms. It takes two to have an argument.
Complete with a back cover picture of, "The Juggernaut!" A modern iteration that holds up to the namesake and drawn by Jim Lee himself! That can take artistry to a new level of behemoth size, force, and caliber.
Grader Notes:
Full Top Back Cover Small Multiple Tear;
Full Top Front Cover Multiple Tear with Crease Breaks Color;
Left Bottom Back Cover Multiple Crease;
Right Bottom Front Cover Small Crease Breaks Color
Spine Stress Lines Breaks Color.
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X-Men 24 |
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X-Men 24 Universal |
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1st appearance of the "Locust!" (Doctor August Hopper) A Roy Thomas Story. Werner Roth and Ayers cover and art! a Keith's Comics (LCS) find, marked at $90, but they were having a 22% off sale that included slabs! It's no wonder this LCS has been surviving and been around for 30 years 1989-2019 and this being 2020! Well, Congrats Keith's Comics! To 30 more! Roy Thomas really has been around a long time. I didn't realize how old Avengers #66 was and now X-men #24? That's an experience with a long history later that would get him promoted time and again. Seems he was more of a writer, plotter, and creator than actually drawing. A cool field even though I'd prefer to draw, but it still takes a creative mind for story boards and perhaps he had a hand somehow, someway. Cheers to Roy Thomas, he lived long and hard! He earned some respect.
Complete with a back cover picture of X-Men #38, a lone reader for a few dollars. Just got to pick up those X-Men when they're available in easy fashion. This copy came from Keith's Comics at a sale, for about $25 minus the sale. I'm not sure I'll finish the run slabbed, yet it can fill in gaps with raws to find out!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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X-Men 26 |
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X-Men 26 Universal |
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El Tigre appearance. A classic genre of book with slab, at $80 shipped, I'll take it! Bought from Dave and Adams, on a bit of mix-up with their inventory is why I got it so cheap. It fits my X-men collection perfectly and who can deny that cover? A bit colorful and deep with ink and style! I'm excited to add it, as I almost thought that I was done picking up early X-men! They aren't as easy to find in the wild, and that means the Local Comic Shops as well. 8.0 fits well and it will be a long lasting hold out for the run. El Tigre sounds menacing enough and other worldly to keep the X-men on their toes, while forming their team and learning early on to stick together! Dave and Adams had misplaced what I originally ordered, and they rectified by store credit for purchase price, plus another $100 in credit! Glad that it worked out so well. Always stay vigilant and try your best, and when you can own up to mistakes and try not to repeat!
Complete with a back cover picture of how wholesome the X-Men are seemed to be at origin, thanks to a 90's Marvel Card! They've got down and dirty a couple of times though.
Grader Notes:
light spine stress lines to cover;
very light creasing to cover;
very light staple tears;
very light tears to cover.
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X-Men 35 |
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X-Men 35 Universal |
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1st appearance of the Changeling. Spider-Man and Banshee appearance. CGC might should add to the label notes, "early crossover or classic cover?" An opinion of some! Yes, it is somewhat an early appearance or in an early X-men book, #35, but they might have even met before, which would take away the sting of, "Who This?" as a crossover. I know there was some thought to the 1st Changeling being key, but I stick to the Spider-man appearance in this X-men book as the main attraction for me. I'm glad to have picked this up for about $35 raw, (10% of tree fiddy btw), from Local Comic Shop Comics Asylum! Then add the cost to grade and it comes in at around $50 total, I'll take it! They had several nicely priced for the grade raw X-men books back in 2022, this and X-men #58. I sent these in together and am glad to have the desire and opportunity to purchase when available. A lot of nostalgia packed into these early issues that got the mutant ball rolling, and the Spider-man "Street-Cred" didn't hurt either!
Complete with a back cover picture of Marvel Cards, now that CGC is grading those! Given in the Christmas Gift Exchange circa 2023 by boardie, "Grendelbo!" Spidey is certainly hanging out everywhere, and who better to understand his plight than mutants. Upside down or swinging from the ceiling, there goes the neighborhood! Those packaged playing cards with families of all ages and generations teaching when to hold them and when to fold them, as the jar of pennies always go back to the jar or can until the next attempt for card game wagers.
Grader Notes:
light tears to cover;
moderate creasing to cover;
spine stress lines to cover.
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X-Men 40 |
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X-Men 40 Universal |
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Owner Comments
Classic Frankenstein Cover. Meet the X-men as they go up against the android that will monster mash its way into the reader's heart! Muahaha!! Best looking 7.0 I've seen in a long time! Loving it so much, those crazy kids! Bought off of Dave and Adam's website for a decent or fair price. A lot of hijinks during this time for the X-men. Some different and some fresh to exciting, and a lot of love either way. Who doesn't love a pesky Frankenstein robot! Braaains!! Or Frahkenstein! Either way he would have got away with it too, if not for those pesky writers. They finish it off in classic style for the time. I'm sure that it was in fashion, and now looks timely as a way to upset the X-men and keep them guessing. They are Mutants, why not a monster, although they were always written pretty hip to the real world. Even in their own interests.
Complete with a back cover picture to deliver on "Frankenstein Alive" done by Bernie Wrightson. A silent tribute to the ode of Monster, still bringing us the morals of old, but in a bright silvery package, that man could draw!
Grader Notes:
light creasing to cover;
light spine stress lines to cover;
light staining to cover;
piece out top of front cover.
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X-Men 49 |
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X-Men 49 Universal |
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1st Polaris. (Lorna Dane) 1st Mesmero. A needed copy, any copy, before they were all gone. I got this and it has a Thorpe and Porter Pence Stamp that gives it class, while still being a "cents" copy, as I believe this issue did not carry a "pence distribution!" It's a 2 in 1?!? Still, very happy with this added addition as a part of my collection. A wonder of the white covers is that a lot of these are around VF. Some interesting plot twists, some extras to see, and that Steranko cover isn't too bad to look at either. An easy on the eye's composition, but just what is the plot afoot? Are the mysterious X-men on solid footing? Will Cyclops finally get some purpose? There is no Pence copy of this issue, so the Thorpe and Porter stamp is purely decorative, but a nice something-something for a niche. Even if it's all you can find and is affordable at the time you are interested.
Complete with a back cover picture of issue #45, with an origin of Iceman, and it too has stamps on the cover that show the way retail used to be! By contrast you can see how ordering books from a collection, and or store, that it can be sometimes different with how books were processed, now compared to the past.
Grader Notes:
Full Top Front Cover Finger Bends;
Left Top Back Cover Bend;
Right Bottom Front Cover Crunch Breaks Color;
Spine Multiple Bend.
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X-Men 50 |
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X-Men 50 Universal |
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Owner Comments
2nd Polaris appearance (Lorna Dane). Origin of the Beast. Also, featuring the New X-men Logo that we all know and love today! An awesome Steranko cover, with its dark green and Polaris power display, as the watchers are astounded. Glad to add this to the collection, I found a raw reader in 2018 for $15 from Keith's Comics, so it is nice to have a graded copy to go with my X-men #49. I did end up selling the under copy, after upgrading first of course. I have to be careful about that sometimes. A powerful story of Polaris coming into her own, and discovering what she is capable of, to make the difference. It's a wonder what an issue later can do after a brief appearance in #49. I wonder if she'll go on to be in a power team. Does X-force count? Surely. Surely in a while, she'll be back in town. With display of leader material written within if given the chance!
Complete with a back cover picture of, "Polaris" herself! I had such a crush on her as a kid, but she mostly showed up in X-force, which was a bummer. She was attracted to Havok for a time, which seemed like a likely match or a good one at that!
Grader Notes:
address/date/name stamp right top of back cover;
light cover tanning to cover;
light rub left bottom of front cover breaks color;
very light creasing to cover.
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X-Men 51 |
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X-Men 51 Universal |
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1st cameo appearance of Erik the Red, key in the Phoenix saga on the animated series. Even gave the X-men a whooping at first, seeing the cover of this and the next issue, and a very formidable story and foe! Polaris appearance! Pretty bluish-purple cover, with that old style kind of toboggan or lodge hat. Are the X-men on a retreat or vacation? They are tried with fire and the coming of "Erik" the Red. After Magneto is revealed to be Lorna's Father, this issue is Erik as an emissary, but he is just disruptive. This one is keeping the brutal lessons coming, with another character of the same name coming later. Got to keep on those toes! The cartoon really was the first portrayal and telling of the Phoenix story that I had ever seen and who I know best. I was young and had heard tidbits here and there of the Phoenix story but to see it unfold on TV was invigorating! It was just all a bit overwhelming and other worldly, but it was thoroughly enjoyable.
Complete with a back cover picture of, Joe Jusko Masterpiece Collection art book of, "Beast!" Our furry footed origin in this issue of X-Men that went on to become the Beast with fur. Namely a more mutant breed!
Grader Notes:
crease top of whole book;
multiple crease right top of back cover;
spine stress lines breaks color.
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X-Men 52 |
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X-Men 52 Universal |
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1st Erik the Red in a Full Appearance. Disguise? Or no? As in many have borne the moniker, but we've got the wheels a turning to bring on the most epic run when the later issues come along for the plot! The powers overflow with twists and turns over the mysterious emissary of Magneto! He has that brute force down pact, and he also isn't much for talking. Just trying to do his "duty", which evidently is confront first and ask questions later. The image of Erik the Red on the cover here is the one that I actually remember from the animated series around the Phoenix Saga, he showed up just before Gladiator and the Imperial Guard. Gladiator basically tells Erik to cool the jets because there are more important matters. Erik the Red is a formidable name that commands attention, but the one in the animated series was so over the tops and enjoyable with power displays. Red is one of the best presented costumes with the shorts and still being confident, but still shows brute force! He was well supplied for the Animated Series.
Complete with a back cover picture of, "The Imperial Guard!" Sent by Lilandra and the Shiar, the Imperial were to scout, messenger, and otherwise prepare the arrival of the Empress. They proved their might!
Grader Notes:
spine stress lines spine breaks color;
tanning interior cover.
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X-Men 54 |
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X-Men 54 Universal |
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1st appearance of Alex Summers (later becomes Havok) and the Living Pharaoh (Ahmet Abdol). Origin of Angel. I just had to "complete the set", so to speak. I have X-men #58 at CGC now, which is the 1st Havok in costume. I was a fan of Havok as a kid, he always seemed to get the girl. He still had some of the same hick ups that I saw with Cyclops (Scott Summers) as a leader though, of the X-force. He tried to trail blaze but found that he was capable of the same bullheadedness. Sometimes what we see in other's is actually a reflection of ourselves. Coming to terms and trying to do better is needed as a leader. Havok had some powers that could be reckless. Here drawn as a normal anybody, it is all a bit mesmerizing. He has blonde hair, and they draw his power effect as circles that get elongated on his 1st cover appearance in #58, looks like fun to animate on the animated series!
Complete with a back cover picture of my issue of #56, 1st Monolith, which is also the 1st Neal Adams work. R.I.P. I'm accumulating readers for the set, and still awaiting #58, which is also Neal Adams, to come back from CGC. #58 is the 1st Havok in costume, and I'm excited to add to the collection!
Grader Notes:
light creasing to cover;
light foxing to cover;
tanning interior cover.
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X-Men 58 |
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X-Men 58 Universal |
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Owner Comments
1st appearance of Havok in costume. Sentinels' appearance. Mesmero, Living Pharaoh and Banshee cameo. Who can stick closer than a brother? The Good Book tells all, and here in the X-men people are just discovering a "who's who?" treasure trove of the ties that bind. When the good Havok takes his Moxy and Stamina to new heights, he'll have the where with all to prove which side he'll be on in the end. Got to make some good news of the Cyclops leaders of the world who may take a bad rap. Here in form and tradition, we've got a Neal Adams cover, which is early for him. RIP. We need to remember, yet not forget the respect we've given to greats that have come across our path, to wait for more or be the inspiration ourselves, it has been built on the backs of long-time hard workers. We have the X-men being fleshed out to keep the "Days of Our Lives" feel included in the Nostalgia!
Complete with a back cover picture of, "Havok!" He looks a little different from the silver age, but this looks in the 90's got him Polaris as his girl, which was a soap opera in itself. He had an attitude but proved tested and tried several times!
Grader Notes:
creasing to cover;
multiple indent left top of back cover;
spine stress lines to cover;
staining to cover.
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