CGC Registry

X-men Saga

Set Type: X-Men (1963) 94-143 Any Variant
Last Modified: 1/15/2024
Views: 561

Rank: 97
Score: 13446
Leading by: 214
Points to Higher Rank: 218

Set Description:

X-men Phoenix Saga. Cockrum, Byrne, Claremont, Wein, and that's not the end of this masterful tale of ashes! It is the beginning of the new team that has us begging for more, Please Please! Complete with some classic covers and stories, that are sure to get the blood boiling. These X-men can't seem to catch a break, especially if you read the issues back-to-back. The issues of this set starting at #94 were distributed more like every other month up until about Issue #111, and from then on, they seem to be monthly! Picked up some steam with Claremont and Byrne?
Many, Many Contributors! Ah to be around the bullpen to spitball ideas and talk shop with THE X-MEN!! It's worth noting that Claremont had a hand in suggesting how Giant Size X-men would finish, but the irony from there is that he went on to write the story as hired for years! Mainly starting with issue #94, and basically straight on through and past the "end" of the Phoenix run!

As a tale for rising from the ashes, this saga does a good job of holding the reader's attention. Complete with time on television and reining in newcomers, it wasn't that long ago in comic book format either. Those voice overs and actors with actresses spilled into our Saturday mornings with the likes of the X-men and a universe displayed in the balance. Moving young viewers and the old alike to tune in or miss out. Bonding families that could then talk publicly about what they had seen and read. In my case it also invited the parents to then see what all the hubbub was Bub, and it gave some context to what their kids were taking in as entertainment!

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