Set Description:
First series with an origin of the Punisher. Contains an interview with Dominic Fortune. It's enough to keep it alive in the Preview world, with Movies like Guardians of the Galaxy and Star Lord, to the Netflix Punisher Jon Bernthal. With a Signature Series to boot, RIP Len Wein, in the nick of time. Sad to see the passing of such a great. I got Gerry Conway as well. The Punisher is not long for this world, with a rumored change of logo, it takes stamina and endurance. A past can be followed here and attested to in this series, featuring the Punisher and others. Bring on the magazine holders!
The Punisher was in a league of his own when his family got dealt with, and now, Frank Castle has been dishing it out ever since. Will this still "be" in the future?
Debuting how fighters get their cause, but that too far button is scary enough without it being pushed over and over. To think that is basically what starts it all is the boundaries crossed, until the cause is crucified and only to lay dormant until resurrected by blind ambitions or a hasty retreat. The 80's was having none of that but with simpleness and much like a bulldozer ran over the walls put up like a monster truck! Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! You can still catch the dirt being thrown, but now it is easy to define that the pen is mightier than the sword and for good reason. With mercy in justice, as therein lies the cause for selling the simmer or sizzle, and without over doing the machismo. All of the above is needed in moderation for the cry of freedom. In short, Liberties create boundaries, and their all worthy fought for causes in retaliation to culture and living them out!

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Marvel Preview 2 |
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Marvel Preview 2 Signature |
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Owner Comments
Signature Series by Len Wein on 7/23/17 and Gerry Conway on 6/24/17!1st appearance of Dominic Fortune. Pendleton Interview. Punisher Origin. One of the first two magazines that I submitted for grading! It's good that I got the Len Wein while possible, he RIP later that year. Still wish that I could have met him in person, great writer! This Punisher Origin kicks names and takes off to new heights and depths with emotional pleas for vengeance? Those are the past-times to the Punisher and what it takes to make a vigilante with an unrequited death wish to see justice dispensed, to those "deserving?" It will take a year or two, scratch that decades, no scratch that, to 2099 to see the ultimate Punishing. He gets used to the crime fighting that came, from inference, from the military, of which he still does business with from time to time. In the origin it was on his leave and at a picnic! Very sobering.
Complete with a back cover picture of the "Race" that the Punisher seems to be on, an all incorporating prophecy? Check please!
Grader Notes:
Bottom Back Cover Lite Multiple Indent Breaks Color;
Left Center Back Cover Lite Bend;
Right Bottom Back Cover Small Tear;
Right Bottom Back Cover Substance;
Spine Lite Stress Lines;
Top Back Cover Lite Bend.
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Marvel Preview 4 |
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Marvel Preview 4 Universal |
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Owner Comments
Bernie Wrightson frontispiece. Origin & 1st appearance Star-Lord & Sword in the Star. Lord knows that Bernie Wrightson can draw, handed from ink to paper after sometimes pencils and over and over among many genres. It is the fate of those heroes in the palm of the hand as reads, however, that bring to life the universe, stars and spaceships, and yes, even a Star-lord. Without the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, it may still have gained traction as this is a magazine, which carries its own weight as a collected edition. I've read further Star-Lord magazines within the Marvel Preview series, enough to know that the ship was a lot of the whimsy and or power of the Star-Lord. Yet it will take by proxy the new planets and people's unknown to work out as peaceful or hostile that are the biggest winners and page turners. Filled with the backdrop of a star like canvas!
Complete with a back cover picture of the "screen" at the prescreen before released publicly of, "Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3!" A summing up of #1 and #2 with a last ditch effort to run the galaxy by way of replacing them with copies!! We all want "copies to read", but we also sometimes need the "real thing!" Star-Lord reporting for duty!
Grader Notes:
Spine Multiple Stress Lines;
Full Bottom Back Cover Lite Multiple Bend;
Staple Multiple Rusted;
Right Bottom Front Cover Medium Heavy Tear.
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