CGC Registry

X-factor's Apocalypse

Set Type: X-Factor (1986) All Variants
Last Modified: 3/5/2021
Views: 435

Rank: 84
Score: 551
Leading by: 6
Points to Higher Rank: 4

Set Description:

Where Apocalypse First Showed up is in this series of comics, then in the cartoons, only to go on to the box office long after. An age to be of reckoning for the X-men, while the School for Gifted Youngsters meet their match! They will face the hand of what may come, in time! Pitted against a "supreme" like ambition, the X-men go up against the Apocalypse and his horsemen. Complete with an archangel of "death", that himself was a mutant tricked to become that instrument.
Apocalypse and other Riders on the Storm pick up early on in this series, it takes a village to then go on another 150 plus issues!

Facts are being factored in that the mutant gene is useful and when it is in use for those good attributes, it can then make something positive for the turmoil of those "not so good!" Morals and character are of the essence that calls the humans to associate certain efforts within the mutant kind. Charles Xavier had his hits and misses, but what of other genres, types and shadows, and other world groups to also get in their kicks? By the backdrop of seeing the X-men successful comes the X-Factor to try their hand at what today would be considered the spin-off! Those facts are then portrayed and kind of shepherded by the X-men, or to at least keep a running tally of who and what were first in line. Being established calls to mind the keeping in check of other groups to aspire!

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