Set Description:
Where Apocalypse First Showed up is in this series of comics, then in the cartoons, only to go on to the box office long after. An age to be of reckoning for the X-men, while the School for Gifted Youngsters meet their match! They will face the hand of what may come, in time! Pitted against a "supreme" like ambition, the X-men go up against the Apocalypse and his horsemen. Complete with an archangel of "death", that himself was a mutant tricked to become that instrument.
Apocalypse and other Riders on the Storm pick up early on in this series, it takes a village to then go on another 150 plus issues!
Facts are being factored in that the mutant gene is useful and when it is in use for those good attributes, it can then make something positive for the turmoil of those "not so good!" Morals and character are of the essence that calls the humans to associate certain efforts within the mutant kind. Charles Xavier had his hits and misses, but what of other genres, types and shadows, and other world groups to also get in their kicks? By the backdrop of seeing the X-men successful comes the X-Factor to try their hand at what today would be considered the spin-off! Those facts are then portrayed and kind of shepherded by the X-men, or to at least keep a running tally of who and what were first in line. Being established calls to mind the keeping in check of other groups to aspire!

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X-Factor 5 |
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X-Factor 5 Modern |
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1st cameo app of Apocalypse! Yahoo, the "1st Mutant?" The one who orchestrated Destiny? He wants it to be ushered in under his authority. Make this into a quality theatrical experience eventually!!! Apocalypse oh Apocalypse, how beautiful are thy annoying speeches. Making an imprint on the situation and the inevitable onslaught to follow. We've got to make do, with the big blue elastic agent man, as Apocalypse form can change to be manipulated. He's got the X-factor in the palm, so to speak, and the plan for hijinks is coming. Mutants who can be normal again. Sounds like a scam, and back when those weren't a dime a dozen. It was a new intro to the false promises made to the Mutant Kind. Magneto could only wish a cause was so easily instituted. Apocalypse would never not want to be a Mutant, no matter how attractive it sounds to those whose powers are a nuisance. Magneto would just wish that his vision could be so easily implemented.
Complete with a back cover pic showing the 90's trading card of how nefarious they wanted the Apocalypse to look, eerie! CGC grading those now needs to stand for something, there are seemingly a lot of them out there.
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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X-Factor 6 |
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X-Factor 6 Modern |
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1st full Apocalypse. Heavily pivotal in the X-men animated series, I had to see what he's all about. As a kid the cartoons made him seem an annoyance with no particular end, He's that TOUGH! In the comics and further in his appearances, the story seemed convoluted to my young mind. He "could" be the first ever mutant, he likes to tout that at first! The X-men are in a juxtaposition, with this character who guises himself as a "healer and fixer" that turns out to be the opposite. He preyed on the weakness of Mutants to exploit them! The Cartoon was pivotal for me because my brother was too young for it, and he was confused that the X-men couldn't defeat him easily. He cried a couple times. I told him that big brother would "take care of it!" Eventually the Apocalypse seemed to have an ending, much to my satisfaction, my brother was satisfied the older brother had "took care of it!"
Complete with a back cover picture of the "APOCALYPSE!" A Bowen statue that is a type of paperweight in a bust form, as we know Apocalypse can take nearly any form as well, and Lady Deadpool being ahead of the game packs it away sword drawn. With a community mini light saber that has three individual settings: flashing, slower flash, and solid beam! With a steady glowing force here in Marvel fashion and is needed here because THE Apocalypse is in war mode. He boasts to pride himself above the stars. Stay meek and humble friends.
Grader Notes:
Right Bottom Front Cover Small Tear;
Top Front Cover Small Crease Breaks Color.
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X-Factor 24 |
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X-Factor 24 Modern |
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1st Full Archangel! Given to me by the boardie musteatbrains as a raw in a contest on the boards, it was raw, came back 9.4! As most of the raws he gave me accomplished that feat! Generosity! Apocalypse is up to his old tricks again, by promising "mutants" a chance to be normal, but it instead transforms them into minions of a dark nature to do his bidding! Will this corruption be too much, and the "good" guys not be able to change back? Seemingly it's up to the X-men to round up those transformed and go up against the Apocalypse. There is a bit of Moira Mactaggert and Genosha plotting as well. These have been hard pills to swallow, and the Archangel was to be the "Death" character in the Apocalypse's horsemen of the apocalypse that followed. He instructs them to destruct as if that somehow would usher in the bowing of a knee, but Apocalypse has "come before" in many forms and by many "names" that he even hat tips that line several times in the cartoons. An "apocalypse" by any other name?
Complete with back cover picture of a relatively similar angel pose, before Apocalypse turned him into the deadly Archangel. Brought to you by 90's trading cards!
Grader Notes Unavailable.
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X-Factor 92 |
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X-Factor 92 Modern |
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Owner Comments
1st appearance of Exodus! X-factor #92 with a Distorted Hologram designation on the label. Hallelujah lol. Found this at a Local Comic Shop, Duncanville, well their live feed, and it came back correctly labeled! The 3rd in the line of Distorted Holograms needed, for a regular cover set of completion of all 6. Glad CGC instantly labeled this one correctly, it was a nice, distorted copy for sure, and so apparent. Glad for the 1st Exodus too, that somehow had his own deal while helping Magneto. Ushering in is hard work, and the Acolytes are the usher members that are trying to do so, as underlings. Big story news after Apocalypse, and Magneto will once again go too far. Xavier gives it right back to him, double, and wipes Magnetos mind into a vegetable. That's some cold-blooded crippling right there. Poor Magneto rests in a place called Avalon up in space, awaiting help that I believe Colossus ends up bringing.
Wraparound Covers once again grab the reader to set the stage for a major shift of development, inspiring the enthralling action that also takes and makes new stages as a starting off point. Those ideals leave the reader with an impression, and if the issue is a 1st appearance too, they may welcome that reward!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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