Set Description:
Animated Series made its way in our hearts and forever imprinted on this collector's mind. With Mark Hamill as the Joker, we got an ear full! Classics like Ghul, Clayface, Riddler, Penguin, and of course Harley Quinn. There was even a creepy doll and ventriloquist villain, that gave some people nightmares. Reminiscent of any good twilight zone episodes, these "adventures" took us on a roller coaster, ride along!
From the offset and the open animation sequence, these Batman Adventures in the animated series were the hook to draw in fans for a long time! R.I.P., 2023, Arleen Sorkin who was the voice of Harley in the Animated series and beyond!
Afternoon shenanigans like someone's time ashore a dream, putting away the Nintendo Entertainment Systems to get ready for dinner or homework, afternoon snack with siblings in front of Batman: The Animated Series. A cackle of a Mark Hamill Joker could be heard down through hours of naps and awakenings, years on end. Along with the parents being sure to always use quips from our shows, which inspired interest with us younglings that made us rest in what we had seen. What else could order our evenings, but a Batman Animated Series Comic, Adventures! Reminiscent of "Our house in the middle of our street!" If it weren't for the likes of Clayface, Killer Croc, and the Scarecrow, how else would we know skill, adventure, and sorrow, save when a Batman or Harley Quinn brightened our screens.

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Batman Adventures Annual 1 |
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Batman Adventures Annual 1 Modern |
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Owner Comments
1st Roxy Rocket. When I subbed this through the Local Comic Shop way back when, the owner asked, "why?" I thought it was just a classic cover representation of Batman the Animated Series. It doesn't hurt that Titan Comics (the local comic shop) had it graded at VF+ and it came back 9.6! Roxy Rocket is trying to make it in the underworld, and survive? The testament of knowing the wrong crowd. Those crowds are getting larger standing in the Harley Quinn and Batman silhouette! Wasn't that the case with the Batman Animated Series Intro? A bunch of in the shadows, and not to be out done theatrics of animation! Good times indeed. The Joker cackle, the Al Ghul rebirths, and of course Quinn's subtle rehabilitation. It all came together like a fine wine. Still an acquired taste and probably best meant for moderation as well, but enjoyable to say the least!
Complete with a Jae Lee statue of Batman signed by him, and an Alex Ross Harley, their silhouettes of course! Bought both at Keith's Comics for cheapish, back in 2017, and some of the first statues I did buy. The classic hat of Harley is featured on the cover for the comic and grace's the statue. They are perfect to display with each other. I believe that the Bats statue, which is signed on the side of the base by the artist, is the real winner. It's even similar to the Batman on the cover of the Adventures Annual! "Serenity" pin from the 2005 movie that had some mind games like what goes on with the ventriloquist this issue, but all those seeking only find the Batman truly holding the faculties of the mind!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Batman Adventures: Mad Love nn |
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Batman Adventures: Mad Love nn Modern |
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Owner Comments
She's hot stuff, if you're into that! A story of coming together. Batman the Animated Series was a big part of my childhood, and this does its justice. She reminds me of a girlfriend I had in Junior High at a private school, quite the rebels we were. Blonde and Silly! Good Times! I believe this is the animation series version of the relation to the Joker by Harley Quinn, in how the two first bonded! Still, it's crazy clown love as far as the eye can see. Sometimes circumstances and other walls we mentally put up around us when we interact, causes us to react different than someone who is more cultured. Harley is a psychologist or some such, which tries to paint the picture that she is "educated", and that these things happen to anyone. The reality is more that the Joker is just that prolific a character, and he has been for years. The fact that Harley eventually comes to that realization in her own right and makes a transition, is truly educated, as today she is thought of as a heroine.
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass to see the first two episodes in theaters, before released to streaming, of "Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power!" A theatrical setting to see the splash of power send waves into the minds of "RINGS!" Whether it be "power" or a "wedding ring", the start here with the Joker and Harley shows to prove that corrupt relationships can be recompensed in repenting toward reward. Setting an "example" means that you need to learn yourself, and sometimes it is a hard knock life!
Grader Notes:
Back Cover Rippling/Warping;
Right Bottom Back Cover Scuff;
Spine Stress Lines;
Whole Book Multiple Dent.
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