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Moose's BS

Set Type: Bloodshot (2012)
Owner: TheeBaldMoose
Last Modified: 8/20/2021
Views: 526

Rank: 1
Score: 1022
Leading by: 278
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:


Your name is Angelo Mortalli. Your brother is trapped behind enemy lines and on the verge of — no. That’s not right. Your name is Raymond Garrison. You’ve retired from the dangers of the field, but a desperate plea from your oldest friend plunges you into a vicious firefight that — no. That’s not right, either. You are Bloodshot. You are the shade of gray that freedom requires. The perfect confluence of military necessity and cutting-edge technology. A walking WikiLeaks. A reservoir of dirty secrets that could set the world on fire. And you’ve just been captured.

-Valiant Entertainment, 2012

In May 2012, Valiant Entertainment began publishing new monthly comic books based on the Valiant Comics universe of characters. The first four monthly books were X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, Archer & Armstrong, and Harbinger. That re-launch was called The Summer Of Valiant. In July of that year, the relaunch of Bloodshot kicked off with writer Duane Swierczynski and artist Manuel Garcia at the helm. Manuel performed the art on the first nine books in this run, except book eight.

Duane is a highly regarded and well published crime fiction\murder mystery including Revolver, Severance Package, and Expiration Date (Winner of the 2011 Anthony award for Best paperback Original). The theme of the first nine books reflect similarities of many crime fiction and murder mystery books by tackling ideas of permanent amnesia, piecing puzzle pieces together as the story goes, with twisting plotlines. Duane ensures that throughout the entire story, plausibility is kept, drawing the reader in further and deeper into the story. Book ten kicked off the Harbinger Wars arc, which was a cross-over of Harbinger and Bloodshot and its own mini-series. Duane Swierczynski teamed up with Joshua Dysart, who was writing Harbinger at the time, and created the first cross over event for the young VEI. Duane continued to write the Bloodshot series, Joshua the Harbinger series, and together they collaborated on the Harbinger Wars series.
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