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New Mutants 22 Signature
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Oh boy!! STORYTIME !!!!
Published: 12/84
KEY ISSUE: Nightcrawler and Colossus appearance.
Chris Claremont story
Bill Sienkiewicz cover and art
This copy is signed by Bill Sienkiewicz. I love it when the yellow label brings out yellow tones in the cover. It's a rarer News-stand copy, too!
First page of this issue has nothing going on in it, so here's the page with Sunspot and Colossus sparring!
Story Title: The Shadow Within
X-Men member and agile, trapeze artist extraordinaire, Nightcrawler is in the Danger Room with Cannonball, showing him some ideas on how he can improve his maneuverability while blasting. Rahne looks on in support.
Sam fails on his first attempt but Kurt (Nightcrawler), gives him some moral support to keep practicing. Rahne's Catholic, conservative nature causes her to see the dark skinned, poitny-tailed Nightcrawler as demonic, so Kurt uses the Danger Room to disguise himself and her for a moment to try and ease her fears, but when she realizes he has tricked her she runs off in fear.
Meanwhile, Sunspot and Colossus are sparring in the gym, and when they really start to make it physical, Bobby's hands go all long and claw-like, hurting Colossus and temporarily freaking out Bobby.
Rahne in wolfish form looks in on Prof X and Moira McTaggert while they examine Warlock to try and better understand his alien nature. The Prof tells Rahne to please give them some space to concentrate, so she leaves.
She then looks in on Dani, who is on the phone with her parents, and then runs off. Dani is worried about her and Bobby. They seem to have been acting a little strange lately.
In a fashionable shop in New York, Selene shows up alive and well and looking for a way to put herself into a position of power and wealth again. A subordinate tells her to join the Hellfire Club if that is her goal.
At the Hellfire Club, Sebastian Shaw is in the process of initiating Roberto's father, Emmanuelle DaCosta, into the Club.
Rahne decides to write a fairy tale to help dissuade her fear and trepidation. She makes up a female character much like herself with the same wolf-changing abilities named Alystraea.
When the girls beloved, a prince named Duncan shows up injured and claiming his soul has been taken by the "Silver Sorceress", Alystraea springs into action.
She heads to the city where she meets a Warlock-like taxi thats gives her directions. When she arrives at the park, she meets up with the Silver Sorceress and her champion, the Black Baron. They are obviously fashioned after Cloak and Dagger.
She dashes, knocking down the Sorceress and then hurls the Black Baron away with some sort of psychic force. Then when she is just about to tear the Silver Sorceress to shreds, you see the Mansion later that night.
Rahne is asleep in bed, apparently deceptively peaceful, but with the necklace of the Silver Sorceress wrapped around her wrist. The last words of the issue are "...As A Story Ends...And A Nightmare Begins."
Continued in issue #23...
Personal Comments:
I love Sam! He is my favorite mutant, but while he is the oldest and most mature of the kids, he is also the one who has the most trouble improving with his powers.
So seeing Nightcrawler helping him out was actually a great relief to me. I remember thinking Rahne needed to open up and trust a little more. Like Nightcrawler says in this issue, it's not what a person looks like but what they are inside their heart and soul that matters.
This issue really got me worried about Rahne and Bobby. It looked like maybe that drug that they were injected with back in Marvel Team-Up Annual #6 was really starting to do something to them. Not sure what though.
Roberto's father was about to be inducted into the Hellfire Club and the fact that Chris Claremont was making a deal about it meant that it was probably going to cause serious problems for Bobby later.
Oh No! Selene is back! That just can't be a good omen for the kids!
This issue also marked the first time I could find anywhere that Dani was being called "Mirage" instead of "Psyche". There was a pinup in the back of the issue with her alias as such and it threw me at first.
I went back through the issues and realized that for a number of issues, Claremont had been referring to Dani by her name only. Apparently either he or Marvel had decided to change her codename.
Very interesting....