Owner Comments:
Medal, 1898, WM, TRANS-MISSISSIPPI AND INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, ART, SCIENCE & INDUSTRY MEDAL, Omaha, Nebraska. So Called Dollar HK-284A White Metal, NGC MS62, Cert# 3108316-015. Obv. Full female figure standing, arms outstretched, wreath in each hand, at feet to r. books, world globe, artist's palette, scroll and T-square; at feet to l. anvil, sledge hammer, gear wheel and metal boiler; above all around Exposition of Art, Science & Industry
Rev. Exposition grounds and buildings; around Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition Omaha June to Nov. 1898. Size: 38mm. HK-284a White Metal. Purchased at the First Annual So Called Dollars Fellowship, April 3-6, 2014 in Dayton, NV. from Ken Cobena.