Movers, Shakers and Stabilizers
"The Great"
Greek: Macedon
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King of Macedon beginning in 336 BC at the age of twenty after inheriting his father Philip II's strong and powerful realm. Educated by Aristotle and having served as a field commander, Alexander continued his father's expansionist plans by first conquering the Persian Empire. Forced (by his own troops) to abandon his plans to subdue India in 326 BC, he died in Babylon in 323 BC while contemplating attacks on Arabia at the age of 32.
Never defeated in a battle, he was competitive with his father and his father's legacy. He was a patron of the arts, science and literature. He was, at once, charismatic, logical, perceptive and calculating, yet could be violent of temper and impulsive. His campaigns did much to spread Hellenistic culture and open trade routes.