Ancient Stars
Hadrian - saluting on horseback





Coin Details

Origin/Country: ANCIENT - ROMAN EMPIRE (1st CENT BC - 5th CENT AD) ROMAN EMPIRE Hadrian, AD 117-138
Item Description: AE Sestertius
Full Grade: NGC VF
Owner: PAL Collection

Set Details

Custom Sets: Ancient Stars
Competitive Sets: This coin is not competing in any sets.
Research: NGC Coin Price Guide

Owner Comments:

NGC rated "FINE STYLE light smoothing". Raising the right hand has long been considered a gesture of power and authority. In ancient Rome, it was known as "adlocutio" when the Emperor raised his arm to address a large crowd. The gesture was also used by Roman soldiers as a salute to their leader, a practice copied by militaries through the centuries (particularly the Nazis) and still seen today in the modern military salute.

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