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Comanche spears were forceful weapons and sharp spear tips made them powerful tools for hunting and battle.
Oklahoma Plains were home to the Comanche tribe, Indians who lived primarily off of game and wild roots and berries. To hunt and fish, the Comanche depended on effective weapons and were known for their skill with the bow. Each bow, however, could take weeks or months to fashion, so the more easily made spear, with its lethal spear tip, became an important weapon to the tribe.
Comanche spears were made from long wooden sticks or animal bones. The Comanche would attach spear tips, made by chipping away obsidian rock until it came to a razor-like, point, making the weapon truly deadly. Obsidian was formed from an active volcano melting through cracks at the base and was found mainly in the West, used most often by the Western Comanche tribes.
From small, bird-hunting tips to large spear tips meant for wild game like the buffalo, the Comanche were not only skilled in fashioning the deadly weapon, they were experts at wielding it for a successful hunts and battles.