Owner Comments:
Sadly, this is another beautiful coin featuring a bird that I was unable to find a lot of information on, so this will be another short write up pending the location of further information. This is the Red-Billed Streamertail, species name Trochilus polytmus.
The Red-Billed Streamertail is the national bird of Jamaica, where it is the most widespread member of the Hummingbird family. The Red-Billed Streamertail is 4.5 inches long if only the body is measured. If the streamers are included, the Red-Billed Streamertail is 10 inches long. Colorwise, the body is an iridescent green, with a red beak with a black tip, a black tail, brown wings and a white underside. Females are paler than the males of this species and they lack the tail streamers of the males.
Like most hummingbirds, the Red-Billed Streamertail feeds on nectar from flowers using its long, extendible tongue. Red-Billed Streamertails will also feed on insects as well.
Unfortunately, this is all of the information I could find on this species at present. If I find more information, I will update this entry with a longer write up reflecting the new information.