The Roman Empire





Coin Details

Origin/Country: ANCIENT - ROMAN EMPIRE (1st CENT BC - 5th CENT AD) ROMAN EMPIRE Pupienus, AD 238
Design Description: Pupienus Denarius w/Fine Style
Item Description: AR Denarius rv Pax std.
Full Grade: NGC MS Strike: 5/5 Surface: 5/5
Owner: Kohaku

Set Details

Custom Sets: The Ancient World Collection
The Roman Empire
Competitive Sets: This coin is not competing in any sets.
Research: NGC Coin Price Guide

Owner Comments:

The year 238 AD was particularly hazardous for Roman Emperors. It began with Maximinus Thrax wearing the purple. Maximinus focused on battling Rome’s enemies and kept his troops contented, i.e., well paid, even if at the consequence of increased taxation. Not surprisingly, the Maximinus’ oppressive policies were not well received, particular among Rome’s elite who had the most to lose. The situation led to a revolt in the Africa province, during which Gordian I, and his son Gordian II, were proclaimed co-Augusti. The Senate confirmed the appointments. Begging to differ, however, the incumbent Augustus collected his troops from the eastern front and marched to Rome.

Within weeks, the African rebellion was quashed and the Gordiani were dead. Maximinus still marched towards Rome, presumably to punish the Senate who had betrayed him. To organize a defense, twenty leading Senators formed a committee. Among this group, two were chosen and confirmed as the next co-Augusti: Balbinus and Pupienus (died 238 AD). Why these two particular men (both at least in their late sixties) earned the throne is not certain, although both had extensive leadership experience. Perhaps the duo actively sought power, or perhaps they drew short straws. After all, being Emperor was risky business, as evidenced by the Gordiani.

Prior to his ascension, Pupienus forged an impressive political career, having previously held numerous high offices. These posts included consul (twice), governor (over several different provinces), and Urban Prefect of Rome. While serving the latter role, Pupienus earned a reputation for severity. Therefore, some Romans viewed the new imperial team with distaste. To improve their image and promote calm, Pupienus and Balbinus named Gordian I’s young grandson as heir (Caesar). Having nominated the young Gordian III, the reign of Pupienus and Balbinus might now be viewed more favorably, in the context of a guardianship. More importantly, with the Gordian’s family wealth added to the imperial coffers, the co-Augusti distributed a cash bonus to the Roman population.

To further promote peace and harmony, not to mention advertise their imperial status, Pupienus and Balbinus also struck coins. Since their reign lasted only three short months, the co-Augusti’s coins are rather rare. The current coin is an example Pupienus denarius with a particularly high quality of craftsmanship, earning a prestigious Fine Style designation by NGC Ancients. The obverse depicts Pupienus as co-Augustus, in traditional laureate, draped, and cuirassed style. On the reverse sits Pax, the Roman goddess epitomizing peace, holding an olive branch and a scepter. The epithet, PAX PVBLICA, was meant to promote peace among the populace.

None of this mattered to Maximinus, who kept coming the Senate’s way. Out to meet him marched Pupienus, while Balbinus remained in Rome, attending to its civic administration. Pupienus and the local Italian legions practiced a “scorched earth” strategy, burning lands ahead of the Maximinus advance. As a result, Maximinus’ troops found themselves on the brink of starvation, and they rebelled against their leader; the 238 AD Augusti death toll now stood at three, and counting. Victorious without even a fight, Pupienus returned to Rome accompanied by new, burly bodyguards: Maximinus’ German legions, now quite grateful to receive food and donatives provided by their new employer.

Meanwhile back in Rome, Balbinus had failed to maintain public order. The situation deteriorated to the point that rioting and fires plagued the Eternal City. While it seemed that Pupienus’ return with news of Maximinus’ death would provide calm, any stabilizing effect proved rather short-lived. Balbinus felt threatened by his colleague’s success, not to mention those new, burly bodyguards. The latter provoked the Praetorian Guard, who viewed them as a threat to their traditional role as the Emperor’s protectorate. Indeed, Pupienus made the case that the new bodyguards should be employed more widely as a precaution against the Praetorians. Balbinus resisted, suspicious of his co-Augustus’ designs to have him disposed. While the two were arguing, the praetorians stormed their meeting, seized the pair, and executed them before anyone could come to their aid. The deed marked a new and inglorious record of five Emperors slain within a year, as Gordian III became the sixth person to rule the Roman Empire in 238 AD.

Coin Details: ROMAN EMPIRE, Pupienus, 238 AD, AR Denarius (20 mm, 3.64 g, 12h), Rome mint, 1st emission, NGC Grade: MS*, Strike: 5/5, Surface: 5/5, Fine Style, Obverse: Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, IMP C M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG, Reverse: Pax seated left with branch & scepter, PAX PVBLICA, References: RIC IV 4; RSC 22; BMCRE 46-7.

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