The " RICCEE V " Collection 1935A $1 North Africa Silver Certificate Block Set BC - *A

Set Type: 1935A $1 North Africa Silver Certificate Block Set BC - *A
Owner: Riccee
Last Modified: 1/19/2018
Views: 488

Rank: 3
Score: 3942
Leading by: 1983
Points to Higher Rank: 4363
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1141360-015 Slot Score Increased* 60 39421/19/2018 12:41:26 PM
1015422-001 Slot Score Increased* 524 38821/19/2018 12:30:32 PM
1015422-001 Slot Score Reduced* -227 33586/18/2014 7:31:25 PM
1015422-001 Added 2655 35852/8/2014 1:55:33 PM
1141360-015 Added 930 9302/8/2014 1:55:32 PM
Initial Score 0 02/8/2014 1:52:54 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a note

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