Chucks Large Silver Certs

Rank: 31
Score: 1833
Leading by: 80
Points to Higher Rank: 72
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1520492-002 Slot Score Reduced* -72 18331/8/2020 12:11:36 PM
8009702-001 Slot Score Increased* 244 190512/4/2018 12:23:35 PM
1520492-002 Slot Score Reduced* -338 166112/4/2018 11:14:09 AM
8009702-001 Slot Score Reduced* -92 19996/18/2014 7:31:31 PM
1520492-002 Added 1476 20919/12/2013 4:00:29 PM
8009702-001 Added 615 6158/5/2013 9:28:56 PM
Initial Score 0 08/5/2013 9:27:22 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a note

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