My $10 SC's

Rank: 12
Score: 3207
Leading by: 454
Points to Higher Rank: 528
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1534966-013 Added 1966 320711/6/2023 4:19:22 PM
1534966-013 Removed -1966 12416/14/2023 9:22:43 AM
1742518-029 Removed -686 320712/15/2022 9:29:54 AM
1611173-019 Removed -514 389312/15/2022 9:16:07 AM
1534860-003 Removed -799 440712/13/2022 8:15:23 PM
1534966-013 Slot Score Reduced* -161 520610/4/2019 12:37:27 PM
1537425-001 Slot Score Reduced* -605 536710/4/2019 12:05:14 PM
1534860-003 Slot Score Increased* 311 597210/4/2019 12:02:59 PM
1534860-003 Added 488 56617/11/2018 8:49:38 PM
1742518-029 Added 686 517312/22/2017 4:46:39 PM
1611173-019 Added 514 448712/22/2017 4:46:38 PM
1537425-001 Slot Score Increased* 1022 397310/10/2017 12:49:53 PM
1534966-013 Slot Score Increased* 643 295110/10/2017 11:40:05 AM
1537425-001 Added 824 23081/5/2017 4:26:30 PM
1534966-013 Added 1484 14841/5/2017 4:24:24 PM
Initial Score 0 01/5/2017 4:22:56 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a note

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