Set Type: $1 Federal Reserve Note - District Set with Stars and Varieties
Owner: STEVE R
Last Modified: 10/7/2023
Views: 10123

Rank: 2
Score: 71092
Leading by: 10163
Points to Higher Rank: 14560

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Set Description:
One Dollar District Set with Stars and Varieties.

This set span 60 years at this time with the addition of the new 2021 and the 2017A series of notes. We may not see the new notes before the end of 2023 are 2025 series. Also along with the correction and addition of the remaining 2017 an 2017A series of notes, that are showing up as BEP and US Paper Money update it's printing and production list as they close out the series. Also to update and correct the series numbering so they are in newmarical order Fr 1900-A thru Fr 3006-G this will cover the years 1963 thru 2023. It may take one or two years be for we see the next series of One Dollars notes. With the next series starting Fr. #3007 and Fr #3008 for DC and FW blocks. I will use this time to fill in the open slots within the sets. At this time there are only Twelve notes that are needed to complete this set of that only nine are in the population report. Some of the notes may be sheet notes that can be added to the set. The following note slots need to be added to 2017A (FW) series the Fr #3005-G* (FW) to the list. Also pick up the series Fr #3006-G* (DC) star note. They will be added after they are graded and return. This will change the note slots count in this set to 739 notes with correction of the 2017 and 2017A and Thank You PMG for the correction to the series of notes. The new Fr #3007-B* notes came back from PMG, and they will be added after a Slot is install.

The set needed to be updated to add the SHEET NOTES to this set, as I complete this set, I am finding more SHEET NOTES being added to this set. PMG is adding them without marking them as Sheet Notes, that were issue by BEP thru the Currency Store. I hope that PMG would add a note marking them as so. I have 12 sheet notes that I will be sending in for grading at this time.

UPDATED ON AUGUST: 15 and SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 - THE NEXT SERIES OF NOTES WILL BE the 2021 series. That will cover the new series of 2021 with a Friedberg number 3007 and 3008 for new One Dollar notes. 3 notes are in for grading. The notes are listed on BEP website. With a series for DC and FW notes One Dollar thru Hundred Dollars notes. They were listed on BEP website for One thru Hundreds Dollar notes on May Report. That cover both DC and FW Series notes. The three notes are back from PMG, I will add them after a slot scoring is added for this series Fr#3007-B* notes all of them came back as PMG-65 EPQ and will be added to the sets after the scoring is completed.

UPDATED ON FEBRUARY 4, & JULY 7,2023 Over this year I will be moving part of this collection, that will cover the $2 thru $100 notes and some of the large size notes also. I will keep the One Dollar notes series working and adding new notes. Over the last ten years I have added new notes to all my sets, "But It's Time To Say Goodbye". Later this year the notes will be move. I will KEEP the Master Set, and all of the other notes within the sets, $2 thru $100 will be moved to other sets. All of sets will remain the same with only a name change.

UPDATED ON JULY 14, 21, AUGUST 14, 2022, SEPTEMBER 25, 2022, The following notes were graded by PMG, they were a 2017A series B/D, D/B and a H/A note. The E/B was added to the sets. They will need 6 slots added to the set of notes. Also two 2009 sheet notes a Fr 3000 J and G series. The following notes were added by PMG the new 2017A CA block and also the 2017A EA block.

UPDATED ON JUNE 15, 2022. The following noted will be added to this set, after they are graded and return, they are 2017A 3005-B/B, B star, D, E, F star and H to complete this set. The notes information can be verified on US Paper Money info website last update.

UPDATED ON FEBUARY 14 and MARCH 17, 2022. To Remove 3 notes from the set they are 2006 Fr #1932-G, J and J* stars. This reset the total note slot count back to 739 notes.

UPDATED ON JANUARY 5, 15 and 23, 2022. The next is to update this set with notes and correction to this set to remove three notes that may be missed mark the 2006 Fr #1932-G, J and J* star that may need to be remove from the set. The note slot count at this time 752 notes. The slots will change with the addition of the next series of notes.

UPDATED ON JANUARY 15, 2022 - At this time only 25 notes are needed to complete this set. I hope to complete the set by the end of 2022 this year. At the same the time you will notes change out with a higher grade.

UPDATED on DECEMBER 30, 2021. This is the last entry for 2021 for this set. The upcoming year, you will see the addition of the 2017 and 2017A series of notes

UPDATED on DECEMBER 13, 2021 - To update and also added to the set, it was a bank note fine, and will be updated with a new 2017 Fr. 3004-L* star FW to the set a rare star note.

UPDATED on DECEMBER 3, 2021 To add the new 2017A G-Star to the set. This is one of the first two graded this year.

UP DATED on NOVEMBER 28, 2021 - To update the scoring for the 2017 and 2017A series notes to the sets.
Also added notes to the 2017 and 2017A series notes, more notes will be added after they are return from greading.
THANK YOU FOR CORRECTING 2017 and 2017A series of NOTE SLOTS. The notes count in the set is 742 slots.

UP DATED ON NOVEMBER 9 & 18, 2021 - To add the new notes that just came back from grading and added to the set. The 3005-G* FW stars were added, but the 3006-G* DC star need to be rework and will be added later. The notes were corrected and will be added to the set after the slots our generated for new DC series star notes.

UP DATED ON SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 - The following notes are in PMG for grading, 2009 Fr 3000-G, Fr 3000-J. Also the 2017A Fr.3005-G* star (FW), Fr 3006-A and the Fr 3006-G* star (DC) is for regrading. The slots will have be added for the new notes.

UPDATE ON JULY 2, 2021 and JULY 14, 2021 - The next set of 2017A series of notes, that need to be added to this set, are 2017A Fr #3005-I9, 2017A Fr #3006 E5, F* star and G7 star notes. Also we may see the next series of 2021 notes.

UPDATE ON JUNE 21, 2021 - This set is 96% complete, it's will take some time to complete the remaining 28 notes, this number will change over the next year with new series of notes that will be added to the sets, with these addition of new 2021 or 2022 series of notes. At this time both the BEP and USPAPERMONEY web sites are back up and running. The next addition to 2017A will add 8 our 15 notes to the sets.

UPDATED ON JUNE 16, 2021 - With the new year, thing are getting back to normal at BEP and the information is back up on line by both US Paper Money and BEP, so we can see the new notes that were printed, on both US Paper Money and BEP website. The new one dollar notes that were printed. The new notes are 2017A DC series of notes Fr #3006-A, Fr #3006-E, and Fr #3006-G*and Fr #3005-E* star.

UPDATED ON MAY 27 and JUNE 1, 2021 - To add new 2017A series of notes. Also the following note slots need to added, 2017A D/A block and 2017A G/A block, they just came back from PMG, With the addition of 2017A Fr #3006-D and Fr #3006-G to set will change the note count to 735 notes.

UPDATED ON MARCH 19, 2021 - To add one more mule note to the set, a 1981 Fr #1911-Gm* this complete all 1981 mule notes. Also to be added are four new Fr #1932 and two Fr #1933 2006 Sheet Notes.

UP DATED ON MARCH 2, 3 and 15, 2021 - The registry added five new 2006 Fr #1932 series to the set. The five notes were all FW series, three of the five are "Sheet Note", I am happy to see more of them added to the set. Also added were the Fr #3000-G and Fr #3000-J to the set, with this change will make a total 732 note slots with in the set. At this time there are 700 notes within the set.

I want to thank PMG for the score adjustments of 2003 Fr #1928 series of notes.

UP DATED ON FEBRUARY 5, 21 and 26, 2021 - I just send in a series of 2017 and 2017A series of Star notes to fill in open slots within the Master set, and also the other sets. The 1981 Fr #1911-Gm* star note, will be added to this set after the note is graded . At this time only 25 notes are needed to complete this set with 732 total slots, with the last addition to the set.

UPDATED ON JANUARY 3, 2021 - This set will go thru more changes over this year as I add more new notes to this set and the other sets - "Happy New Year".

UPDATED ON DECEMBER 3, 5 and 14, 2020 - As BEP closes out the 2020 year with the 2017 regular issues and 2017A series of notes that were added due to the change with the BEP began using reformulate inks. The next fiscal year started in October, we may see a new series of notes in late 2021 as a new Treasurer of the United States and the Secretary of the Treasury are named and approved.

UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 1, 12, 14 and 18, 2020 - Updated and corrections to the followings 2017 series of notes to all the sets, they are the Fr #3003-G, I, J, J* and K. Also the following note Fr #3004-D will complete this set for both Fr-3003 series and add six notes. The next is the Fr #3006-B*, D, E, G, G* will add five notes and the Fr #3005-F* and Fr #3005-I will add two more notes. All the notes are listed on both the BEP and uspapermoney web sites. At this time there are 699 notes in this set. With this addition, it will change the total note count to 723 note slots with in the sets, after the addition is completed. Also a 1993 mule Fr #1918-Fm* star and 1995 mule Fr #1922-Jbpe note were added to the set.

UPDATED ON OCTOBER 23 and 26, 2020 - The set was updated to add the new 2017 Fr #3003-L and the new 2017A Fr #3005-F series of note was added after the scoring for Fr #3005-F was added to the sets.

UPDATED ON OCTOBER 16 and 20, 2020 - To add the 2017 and 2017A series of notes to the sets. Also to add 11 mule an back plate error notes to the set. The 2017 Fr 3003-L need to be added to this set and other, they are the "FIRST" eight to be graded in 65E thru 68E. They will be added after the scoring is added. The eight notes are listed in the updated population report. Also the new Fr #3005-F also need to be added to the sets, they will be the "FIRST" four graded in PMG-67E and are listed in updated population report. The 2017 L series notes were printed at both location at the Washington, DC and the Fort Worth, TX facilities. Also the new Fr #3005-F (FW) also need to be added to the sets. The set will be updated after the FR #3003-L and FR #3005-F series number are added. All of the notes are listed in the updated population report on both the US Paper Money website and BEP website.

UPDATED ON SEPTEMBER 1 and 3, 2020 - The next set of notes to be added to this set will be more Mule and back plate error notes the 1985, 1988, 1993 and 1995 series. This I hope will fill in most of the open slots. Also more of the Mule and Back Plate Error notes that will go in for grading, this will add seven notes to this set. Also some more 2017 and 2017A series notes will be added. The next slot and note that need to be added is the 2017A series Fr #3005-F (FW).

UPDATED ON AUGUST 8 and 11, 2020 - The next set of notes that will be added to the sets are 2017A series. They are printed but not listed at this time, Fr #3006-B star, D, G and G star and Fr #3005-F, F star and I, this will add seven notes to the sets. All of the notes are listed on BEP website and uspapermoney website that was updated in July 2020.

UPDATED ON JULY 16, 25, and 30, 2020 - The following notes were printed by BEP and need to be added to the sets. The DC notes that were printed but not listed in set are Fr #3006-B star, Fr #3006-D, Fr #3006-G and Fr #3006-G star. For the Forth Worth notes are the Fr #3005-F and Fr #3005-F star and the Fr #3005-I. Also the scoring needed to be added for 2017 Fr #3004-J for the sets. This additions would add seven (7) notes to the set an would change the note count from 723 notes to 730 notes within the sets, they have been added to the sets. The next addition would add eight new 2017A series notes to the sets an would change the count from 730 notes to 738 notes to all the sets. This set added two more notes a 2017 and 2017A. The next notes are 2017 Fr #3004-D and J will be added after the scoring is completed.

UPDATED ON JULY 4, 2020 - Over the next six month, the next notes to be added to the set will be 2017A series the B star and D/A block from DC and from FW will be F/D and I/A blocks, this information is base on BEP last report.

UPDATED ON JUNE 14, 22 and 29, 2020 - The next item that need to be updated are the Friedberg Numbers for the 2017A series of notes. The registry is working at this time to update the sets. In the latest Population Report show the new 2017A series of notes listed for Forth Worth notes as Fr #3005-J, K, L and L star and for the DC notes as Fr #3006-A, A* and B block. The set was corrected and updated to show Friedberg (Fr) numbers for 2017A series notes by PMG.

UPDATED ON MAY 25, 30, and JUNE 6, 2020 - The last BEP report show the addition of the following notes were printed the New York B/* star block and Cleveland District D/A block, also the FW notes were printed are F/D Atlanta District block along with the I/A Minneapolis District block. Also added some new photos to all the sets. There are only 27 notes are needed to complete this set to get to 100%.

UPDATED ON MAY 4, 17 and 20, 2020 - To add the RARE 1985 Fr #1913-Lm mule with BPN #129 in a PMG-64 E note to the set, only two notes are listed in population report. The note slot was change from 721 to 723 with the addition of some 2017 dual notes. The following notes need to be added are the 2017A B/* star block and D/A block also 2017A F/A block and I/A block printed at Western Currency Facility.

UPDATED ON APRIL 27, 2020 - The 2017 I Rare star note scoring was updated, but more work is needed to correct the scoring, in the same way as 2013 J star note, this will take more time to complete the correction. Also the following notes need to be added to this set, are the new 2017A series B/* star DC block and 2017A series I/A FW block notes, this will change the note count to 726 notes in the set. Also in the last population report the "Dual" notes that were printed at DC and FW location, Fr #3004-D was listed, this information is base on May 2020 BEP report.

UPDATED ON MARCH 17 and APRIL 5, 2020 - The last two notes remaining are the 2017 series J and L star. As more of the 2017A series notes are issue, this will cover the remaining seven notes for the set. The 2017 I star note was added to the set but the scoring need to be reworked the same way as 2013 J star note as a RARE star note, with only 250,000 printed in April of 2018. With this down time I am working to update the notes description and photos in all the sets, better know as HOME WORK.

UPDATED ON MARCH 5, 10 and 14, 2020 - The following notes were added to the set, Fr 3003-A star and Fr 3004-E star also the 2017 C and D to the set. Over this year I hope to complete the 2017 and 2017A series of notes. Also at the same time more of mule and back plate error notes will be added. The last two note to be added are 2017-J and the 2017-L* star this will complied the 2017 series of notes. The next will be the 2017A series are next to be added to this and other sets.

UPDATED ON FEBRUARY 14, 2020 - In the last updated BEP and uspapermoney website show the following notes were printed at the DC and Fort Worth location, for the DC location they are the D/A, D/B blocks and for the FW location they are the D/B, D/C and D/D blocks, also the FW location the I/A block and also I/A block printed at the DC location, and the last is L/E, L/F printed at the DC location and a run of L/F at the Forth Worth location. This addition will change the total note count from 721 to 724 note slots with this correction to the sets.

UPDATED ON JANUARY 25, 27 and also on FEBRUARY 3, 11, 2020 - The new 2017A Series notes were added to the sets, they are the Boston, New York, Kansas City, Dallas and San Francisco District notes, this will add seven notes slots to the set with a new total of 721 notes slots with in the sets. The Friedberg number I hope will be added lather. Also the 2017A series were added to the set and scoring changes. Just send in for grading are 2017 A* and E* stars.

ADDED ON JANUARY 1, 2020 - This is the first entry for the New Year, I hope to complete all of the 2017 series note slots and starts on the new 2017A series, after the slots are added to the sets. "Happy New Year". Also schedule are the addition and competition of the Mule and Back Plate Error notes, this will change the note count to 714 notes slots for the set.

UPDATED ON DECEMBER 22, 2019 - Next year I hope the following note slots will be added to all the sets, they will be the following A*, C, E*, H*, I*, J, J*, and L* this will fill in all of the 2017 series and start the New Year with the 2017A series of One Dollar Notes. This will change the note count from 713 notes to 721 note slots.

UPDATED ON DECEMBER 6, 9 and 13, 2019 - The 2017 3004-E and 3004-I came back from PMG, they will be the first ones graded for this series. They will be added after the grading slots are updated for both notes. The BEP just issue a new update of the notes that have been printed in November, added are the NEW 2017A series One Dollar notes that cover K/A, L/A and L/* star notes all are printed at Fort Worth location, printed in November 2019. Also the information was also listed on US paper money web site, "It is not currently why this series exists or how it is different from Series 2017.They hope that the BEP will provide an explanation eventually." The new 2017 Fr #3004-E and Fr #3004-I were added to the set on 12/13/19.

UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 8, 2019 - Just pickup two 2017 Fr #3004-E a bank note fine and ten new 2017 Fr #3004-I an are set to go in PMG for grading and will be added to this set and others sets. Also I will update add more photos after the first of the year.

UPDATED ON OCTOBER 30 and 31, 2019 - The 2017 $1 Fr. 3003-A came back from PMG, all five were graded as 67 EPQ and were added to this set and also added to other sets.

UPDATED ON OCTOBER 14 and 27, 2019 also on NOVEMBER 18, 2019 - The following note need be added to this set, they are new Fr #3004-E* F/W and Fr #3004-L* F/W, also the Fr #3003-D and Fr #3004-D they were printed at both location DC and F/W Fr #3004-D. Also the Fr #3004-E star was added. This information was just add from new BEP Reporting for February, March and May 2019. This will change the note count from 711 to 713 slots, the update was made on October 14, 2019.

UPDATE - BEP just updated the 2017 serial number that show 2017 "E" One Dollar notes were both printed at Washington DC and also at Fort Worth location. This addition will change the note count 713 to 714.

UPDATED ON SEPTEMBER 30 and OCTOBER 4, 9, and 23, 2019 - To add 2017 Fr #3004-G to the set to replace a bank note fine with a higher grade. This was part of note update and correction. Just pickup the five new 2017 Fr #3003 - A/A block an are in PMG for grading at this time.

UPDATED ON SEPTEMBER 19, 2019 - The 2017 G are in PMG for grading at this time and will be added next month. Also BEP had not issue a update for last six months, we can not see the notes that were printed and or issue.

UPDATED ON AUGUST 18, 23 and 28, 2019 - Over the next six months all of the One Dollars sets, will add over 175 notes that are schedule for grading to fill-in or add missing notes slots. Also updated the notes description for all the star note slots for all set.

UPDATED ON JULY 22, 2019 - BEP just release the production report for May 2019 an added 2017 Fr #3004-L* from FW, with this addition will change the note count to 712 notes.

UPDATED ON JUNE 5 and 14, 2019 - The notes came back from PMG an graded out as 65E, 66E and 67 E all were added to the sets. On July 2, 2019 I added a new set "$1 FRN 1963 - 2006 ALL STAR SET as an 100% complete set, that highlight the star notes in this set.

UPDATED ON MAY 8, 13, 17 and 21, 2019 - Just pick more 2017 notes for this and the other sets, B, B*, D and F series notes that were sent in to PMG for grading. With no update from the FED for last three month, there is no way to see if the C*, D*, E* and L* Star Notes were printed an can not be added to the sets at this time. The note slot count was change to 710 with the addition of 1993 Fr. #1919-Hm mule note to the sets. I thank the next note slot to be added is the 1993 Fr. #1919-Im mule, three are listed in the population report. Just added to the set is 1995 Fr #1922-J BPE 295, this change the note slot to 711 within the sets.

UPDATED ON APRIL 28, and MAY 4, 2019 - The 2017 B star, K and K star came back from PMG and will be added after the scoring is completed for the three slots. This also change the note count from 672 notes to 675 notes within the set and also change the note slots count to 709. Also the photo have been added for new notes. Even with the low score for the notes I will keep adding new One Dollars to this and other sets. The total number of one dollar notes within all the sets is 1,545 notes at this time.

UPDATED ON APRIL 23 and 26, 2019 - The B*star came back as 67E and will be added after the scoring is added to the slot, the K and K* star came back and will be added after the scoring is added to the sets, the K came back at 66E and K* star came back as 65E. I am glade that the One Dollar notes scoring system is completed, the last correction was on 25th of April.

UPDATED ON APRIL 19 and 22, 2019 - Take a look at the History it's show the changes to the scoring system, a 1995 $1 Fr #1922-L* star in 67 EPQ grade with a score of only 16 points was an error, that was corrected, This was an error, both were corrected for that grade of 67 EPQ. The following notes are in PMG for grading they are new 2017-B*, 2017 K and K* star.

UPDATED ON APRIL 1 and 9, 2019 - Over the next month you see small changes and addition to the Mule and back plate error (BPE) notes, with only 35 remaining notes are needed to complete this set. Today added four new mule notes and replace one RADAR note a 1988A Fr #1915-H. You will see the scoring change as the system is updated. Added 2017 D and G to the set, both were bank note fine and will be replace at a later date with a higher grade.

UPDATED ON MARCH 21, 2019 - The following notes need to be added to this set are the 1981 Fr #1911-Jm mule eight are listed in the population report and the other is the 1981A Fr #1912-Ibpe note also eight are listed in the population report. With this addition the new note slots count will go from 706 to 708 slots. As more research is done this count may change.

UPDATED ON MARCH 7, 2019 - To add the Back Plate Error notes, 1974 Fr #1908-D, F and H all are #905 back plate number, the 1974 Fr #1908-Fbpe will be added after the scoring is completed. Also added is 1995 Fr #1922-Kmbpe. All of the remaining note slots for this set are Back Plate Error, Mules are 2017 series notes.

UPDATED ON MARCH 1 and 5, 2019 - Just added the 2013 D star, also added the 2017 B and F star to the set. The 2017 L will be added after the scoring is completed for this slot. They are the first two 2017 L12 notes graded and will be added after updating the soring is completed. Also added 2017 L12 photo the set.

UPDATED ON FEBRUARY 1, 11 and 26, 2019 - To add the mule and black plate error notes to the sets, this is part of the remaining 30 notes needed to update this set and 17 notes for new 2017 series for a total of 47 notes to complete this set. Just located some of 1974 thru 1995 series mule and back plate error notes, that will be sent in to PMG for grading over this year.

Just checked uspapermoney website an saw that 2017 $1 E5 were printed at the Fort Worth western currency facility not Washington, DC eastern currency facility, this is correct, go to the BEP website for verification, they were printed at FW western facility. This may be a first with a note printed out of sequence by BEP.

UPDATED ON JANUARY 11, and 15, 2019 - Over this year the main goal is to complete some are all of the 2017 notes and the Mule, Back Plate Error notes. The first will be the 1995 Back Plate Error notes that are in PMG for grading at this time. The second are the 2013 D star and 2017 B, F star and L notes, later this month.

UPDATED ON DECEMBER 16, 21 and 29, 2018 - The New Year will see more addition of Mule and Back Plate Error notes being added over the year, the first will be 1995 Back Plate Error added to the set. Also the addition of more new 2017 series, just added Fr #3004-J star note that will add one new slot and change the count to 705 slots. Also closeing out 2013 series with D star next year. I also hope that the BEP Sheet Notes will become part of the set an added, this would complete all the notes printed by BEP. "Happy New Year"

UPDATED ON DECEMBER 4 and 7, 2018 - The 1981 mule notes were updated and added to set on 12/6/18, and more will be updated at a later date. Just pick up more of the new 2017 series notes they are the B/A block, F/* stars and Fort Worth L/A block. Also found three of the 2013 D/* notes to complete the 2013 series of notes. They will be sensed in after the first of year to PMG for grading. The 1981 series of mule notes were updated and added to the set on the 7th of December an change the note count to 656 or 93% within this set, the last 38 or 7% will take some time to complete as the new 2017 series, mule, back plate error, BEP sheet notes and some rare notes.

UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 11 and 13, 2018 - BEP added the new 2017 series Washington, DC Fr #3003-A star this month with a printing of 3,200,000 notes for this first run, in the month of October 2018 printing. You can go to website for more information. Also on November 15, 2018 the note slot count move to 704 notes with the addition of 1981 Fr #1911 mule and backplate error were up dated and added to the set.

UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 6, 2018 - Added the 1988 RARE 1914-K star note to the set today. I also just pickup some 1981 Fr #1911 Mule star notes to fill-in and add some of the missing mule Am*, Bm*, Em*, Km, Lm* this will add five new slots. This will change the note slot count from 691 slots to 699 slots after they are return from PMG for grading. I also hope the sheet notes will be added soon an some are listed in the updated population report.

UPDATED ON OCTOBER 19, 2018 - The 2017 G stars notes came back and were added with the scoring is completed for the slot, you can see the notes in the up dated population report. The scoring was updated today 10/19/18. Just pick up a 1988 Fr #1914-K* star an is in PMG for grading at this time, this will help complete the RARE stars notes for this Master Set. Also the 2009 Fr #1934-H* was updated to "RARE" star note. I just added a new Journal that will cover the existing sheet notes that have been printed to date to be added to this set and other or as a stand-a-lone series that would cover some of the rarest notes printed to date. I have ask that the sheet notes be added to all sets or as stand-a-lone sets in my latest journal "ADDING ONES". they are the some of the rarest one dollar notes.

UPDATED ON SEPTEMBER 29, 2018 - The 2009 Fr #1934-H* the score was updated adding 1,073 points to this set. Just added a rare BPE note a 1981A Fr #1912-Hbpe in 67 EPQ. Added New 2017 notes were six Fort Worth and ten from Washington, DC slots update list in set. Just added the first 2017 H8 notes to set. Just got in 12 new 2017 G star notes, they are in PMG for grading the scoring will be updated after they are return from PMG.

UPDATED ON MAY 24,2018 - AUGUST 9, 2018 - More lowering of the point count for the one dollar notes is a new low, this is the set that most collector start with, the same as a penny collection - this will not help a new collector get started with lowering the note points and value of this and other sets. To this date more than 9,500 points have been remove to date.

UPDATED ON APRIL 26, 2018 - 1981 Mule Notes correction and 2017 Series DC and FW notes added to the set.

This Master Set contain the first fifty five years of the Small Size Federal Reserve Notes first issued in 1963 thru 2017, that replace the 1953B Silver Certificates One Dollar notes. The next fifty years start with the addition of the 2017 series of notes with the change in signatures for both the Registers of the Treasury and the change of the Treasurer of the United States to Jovita Carranza on June 19, 2017 along with the Secretary of theTreasury to Steven Terner Mnuchin on February 17, 2017. The last printing of all notes ended by BEP was in June of 2017 for all the 2013 series, you can go to this website for additional information on the production or on the BEP website that is updated each month.

I have added a new series of one and two dollars notes within the "SIGNATURE SETS" to cover the sheet notes that are not part of scoring system but are part of the notes that were printed by BEP and are some of the rarest and at a higher price of a regular runs.

This set is 91% completed with 642 notes, this set will never to be completed as new SSFRN series are added, all but some nine mule notes that can not be located at this time and are not listed in PMG population report. There are more than 52 one dollar notes needed to complete this set, 16 mule notes and no back plate error notes are schedule for grading at this time. The remaining 52 notes left will cover the all of the mules and back plate error and changeover notes, with fourteen of the notes are not listed in the population report, the notes that were added to this set, the 1981 Fr #1911 mule and 1985 1913-Fm mule 129 back plate error, two 1993 Fr # 1918 Bm and Fm star mule notes. they are listed in the population report. The new 2013 notes are completed with the Fr #3001-D star will cover the 2013 FW notes, the other notes that were added to the set are the DC Fr #3002-E* star and FW Fr #3001-B, B* along with new Fr #3001-H star, the last will be D star. This set had the first 2013 Fr #3001-L Star grade at PMG-45E extra fine, that I pickup at Bank of America, it was replace with a new PMG-67E. Just added the Rare Fr #1917-F* star to complete the1988A web set of notes. The addition on April 19, 2018 for new 2017 DC and FW series notes, three FW FR #3003 and three FR #3004 that will change the slot count to 686. This will change as the 2017 notes are added, there are seven notes listed as 2017 SSFRN with district name will be added as the are printed by the BEP and the FR number will be added.

In this One Dollar District set type, there a total of 41 sets, as of now I have completed thirty-one 100% District sets at this time, they are 1963, 1963A, 1963B, 1969, 1969A, 1969B, 1969C, 1969D, 1977, 1988A DC/FW, 1988 WEB, 1993 FW/WEB, 1995 DC/ FW/ WEB, 1999 DC/FW, 2001 FW, 2003 DC/FW, 2003A DC/FW, 2006 DC/FW, 2009 DC/FW and the last two sets that need to be completed the 2013 DC/FW and new 2017 DC/FW sets, to date, more notes will be added as they are issued by BEP. The first are the FW Fr #3003-B, F and F star and the DC Fr #3004-G, G star and L.

There are 691 note slots descriptions with the addition of 1981A Fr #1912-Hbpe, 1981 Fr #1911-Bm, 1985 FR #1913-Fm, 1974 FR #1908 BPE, 1981A Fr #1912-Hbpe, 2013 FR #3001-H, FR #3001-A star with the Fr #3001-D star and Fr #3001-J star were be added to the set and Fr #3002-F star in this set, and will be corrected as both the new 2013 series Fr #3001 Fort Worth and Fr #3002 Washington DC are updated or added. On November 20, 2013 this set had a score change of 706 points were added, but in February PMG removed more than 10,000 points. The last score change was on June 18, 2014 for a total of 551 points were removed, this was do to changing all the note score to the same score for all sets, and adding the star designation notes. The set was updated on March 25, 2016 with the 1974 Fr #1908 star notes modified to RARE with a scoring change and corrected the total point addition of 1,304. The score was corrected on May 26, 2016 for 2013 series notes and added a total of 135 points. This was corrected on June 8, 2016 for the 1985 Fr #1913 Star notes, and added a total of 531 points but removed a total of 6,023 points from total score for all sets. The last update was on October 24, 2016, to correct the scoring on the 2009 and 2013 star notes. This scoring will be updated by the Collectors Society as new notes are added and changing the scoring of the older and some of the new 2013 slots. The last addition were the 1995 Fr #1922-Hbpe, Fr #1922-Ibpe and Fr #1922-Lpbe with the back plate error number 295, all three are listed in the population report. The 1995 Fr #1922-Ibpe was added to set on January 19, 2017. The last five mule star notes and two non-star note to be added are 1981 Fr #1911 on April 25, 2018.

The last notes to be added were the 2017 Fr #3003-F and the 2017 F star. On June 29, BEP and up dated the 2017 notes for both DC and FW with the addition of Washington DC B/A block, F/A, F/B and F/C blocks and on April 22, 2018 updated the 1981 mule notes Fr #1911 with five new. The addition for Fort Worth were the G/A and G/* blocks along with L/A and L/B blocks. They also updated the 2017 sheet notes block serial number F35315001A thru F35400000A and added them to this set, they were part of a standard run. More notes from 2017 series will be added over the next six to eight months

Checking the PMG population report, all of the Mule and Back Plate Error notes are listed within this set. This set was listed with 686 note slot descriptions as of August of 2018, the count was changed to 693 notes with the addition of 1985A Fr #1912-Hbpe 129bpe, 1981 Fr #1911-Em, 1981 Fr #1911-Hm, 1995 Fr #1922-Im, with 295bpe, Fr#1918 Bm*, Fm* stars and new 2013 (FW) Fr # 3001-B and D4, G7, J10 star, also the new 2013 (DC) Fr # 3002 E5 star series and the new 2017 series Fr #3003-F these new notes were added along with the 1981 mule Fr #1911-Cm and Cm* notes. In January 2014 the Collectors Society added 10 mule notes for Fr #1918 and Fr #1919 series of 1993. This set was started and built in April of 2011, you will see this set change over next year, as the RARE and MULE notes are added, and Collectors Society corrected this set by adding the Washington DC and Fort Worth TX 2013 series notes to this set. Also the back plate error, number were added to the mule note for 1981A Fr #1912. The next set of notes will be the "CHANGEOVER PAIRS" as with in the 1981 series set, only four of the 1981 Fr #1911-Bm notes are listed in the population report to date and was added to this set on February 8, 2016, and the addition of 1981 mules.

Just added more Super Stars, a Super Star is a note that is 2400 points or more, Fr #1914-K* star, Fr #1908-Jbpe* a PMG-66 E, Fr # 1906-L* a PMG-67 E, Fr #1912-K* a PMG-66E and the Fr #1913-H* a PMG-64E, Fr #1918-C* a PMG-66E, Fr #1919-I a PMG-66E and a Fr #1934-K* a PMG-67E. With in this set there are a total of 50 RARE notes. The new RARE note is a Fr #1914-K* star, Fr #3001-J* star, the note came back as PMG - 66E, this is the sixth note to be graded. The last super star to be added is 1988 FR #1914-F* star in PMG-66E* star.

In this set there are number of Star Designation notes a 2009 Fr #1934-A, 2009 Fr #3000-D* star and a Fr #3002-F all are graded at PMG-66 EPQ*

On December 15, 2015 the Collectors Society added the 1974 FR #1908-Lbpe notes with the 905 back plate error. This is the first set to add the 1974 Fr #1908 Back Plate Error notes, for a total of 9 notes and the addition of the FR #1913-Fm with 129 back plate error, for a new total count would be change of 680 notes. Also with the addition of more 2017 notes that will take the count to 693 notes. The addition of the 1995 Fr #1922-H, I and L back plate error notes, were added in January 2017, they are all listed in the population report. In December 2017 two notes were added a 1993 Fr 1918-Bm* and a Fr #1918-F* to the set.

The first image were the 1963 Fr #1900-A and A star, along with the 2013 Fr #3002-I. At this time there are 640 images in this set at 99% and I will be adding more new notes and images in the near future for new 2017 series notes.

The Collectors Society is always updating and correcting the sets and adding the scoring to existing sets alone with new 2013 series as they are issued by BEP and update existing series. The next two notes to be added are Fr #3001-D* star printed in July and August of 2017 with two runs total printing of 3,200,500 notes, the other is a RARE Fr #3001-J* star with only 250,000 printed in September of 2016. Both notes were added to the set in November 2017.

The first new one dollar 2017 series of 2017S, is a Washington D/C issue a Atlanta F/* star block with a small printing of 250,000 notes that make this a "RARE" also a second run of F/* star with a printing of 3,200,000 for this series. Also the new Fr #2003-F F/A block with a printing of 57,600,000. The BEP issue the new 2017 Atlanta F6 one dollar sheet notes on January 30, 2018 with the same serial numbers pulled from the first run, and were added to this to this set. Just located new Fort Worth 2017 Fr. #3004-H H/A block notes. More new 2017 notes will added G star and the F star were just pick up and will be added. The Fr #1928-J DC sheet note with seven listed in PMG population report all seven are graded as 67 EPQ, this will change the note count back to 667 slots in March 2018. With no addition of the BEP sheet notes to this and other sets the slot count will remain at this time. I have added a new Signature Set that will cover One Dollar sheet notes that were issue by BEP starting in 1981 thru 2017.

This set is the Second most viewed series of Small Size Federal Reserve Notes in the REGISTRY at this time. Also within all the One Dollar Sets there a total of 1,824 notes at this time. This cover 97% of all the One Dollar notes. More new notes to come in 2023 next year.

I would like to THANK the PMG Registry and the Collectors Society for awarding me the 2016 Overall Achievement Award and the Best Overall Set for this set.

Slot DescriptionGradeCert NumberScore
1963 $1 Fr. 1900-A67 EPQ 1743770-002 94
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-A*65 EPQ 1610203-002 81
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Am66 EPQ 1308433-001 76
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Am*66 EPQ 1743770-004 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-B66 EPQ 1525661-002 76
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-B*66 EPQ 1525664-001 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Bm67 EPQ 1190093-002 94
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Bm*66 EPQ 1519001-002 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-C66 EPQ 1519000-027 76
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-C*65 EPQ 1191580-001 81
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Cm67 EPQ 1190093-003 94
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Cm*65 EPQ 1525662-001 81
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-D67 EPQ 1074227-059 45
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-D*66 EPQ 1191580-002 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Dm65 EPQ 1519003-001 32
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Dm*66 EPQ 1525662-002 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-E68 EPQ 1074227-058 143
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-E*66 EPQ 1525664-002 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Em67 EPQ 1519000-028 94
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Em*66 EPQ 1519001-005 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-F66 EPQ 1190093-007 76
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-F*66 EPQ 1525661-004 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Fm64 EPQ 1519003-002 362
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Fm*66 EPQ 1525659-001 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-G66 EPQ 1162405-001 76
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-G*65 EPQ 1195606-001 81
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Gm66 EPQ 1306133-001 76
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Gm*66 EPQ 1525662-003 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-H66 EPQ 1308435-001 76
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-H*66 EPQ 1195608-001 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Hm66 EPQ 1306133-002 76
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Hm*65 EPQ 1519001-011 81
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-I66 EPQ 1074227-060 76
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-I*65 EPQ 1195608-002 81
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Im64 EPQ 1306133-003 47
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Im*65 EPQ 1519001-012 81
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-J66 EPQ 1306133-004 76
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-J*65 EPQ 1308433-013 81
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Jm67 EPQ 1527506-001 94
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Jm*64 1519001-013 63
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-K66 EPQ 1308433-015 76
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-K*66 EPQ 1525661-005 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Km67 EPQ 1306133-005 94
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Km*66 EPQ 1519001-014 102
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-L67 EPQ 1308433-018 94
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-L*66 EPQ 1519001-016 179
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Lm67 EPQ 1519001-015 94
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1963 $1 Fr. 1900-Lm*66 EPQ 1527502-001 179
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-A64 EPQ 1308436-001 47
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-A*66 EPQ 1527506-002 102
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-B67 EPQ 1519006-001 94
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-B*66 EPQ 1519005-001 81
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-C65 EPQ 1191571-001 59
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-C*65 EPQ 1519005-002 63
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-D67 EPQ 1308436-004 37
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-D*66 EPQ 1610212-001 81
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-E66 EPQ 1308436-006 76
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-E*67 EPQ 1519005-003 102
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-F65 EPQ 1308436-008 59
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-F*66 EPQ 1519005-004 81
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-G66 EPQ 1162414-001 76
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-G*66 EPQ 1135822-001 81
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-H66 EPQ 1308436-012 76
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-H*64 EPQ 1191580-005 72
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-I66 EPQ 1519006-002 76
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-I*67 EPQ 1308433-019 123
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-J68 EPQ 1527506-003 143
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-J*68 EPQ 1074227-063 147
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-K66 EPQ 1519006-003 76
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-K*65 EPQ 1519005-005 63
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-L67 EPQ 1308436-016 94
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1963A $1 Fr. 1901-L*67 EPQ 1074227-064 102
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1963B $1 Fr. 1902-B66 EPQ 1190088-001 76
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1963B $1 Fr. 1902-B*66 EPQ 1519005-006 123
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1963B $1 Fr. 1902-E65 EPQ 1190088-002 59
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1963B $1 Fr. 1902-E*67 EPQ 1610212-002 143
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1963B $1 Fr. 1902-G67 EPQ 1610212-003 94
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1963B $1 Fr. 1902-G*66 EPQ 1190092-003 123
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1963B $1 Fr. 1902-J64 EPQ 1519006-004 47
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1963B $1 Fr. 1902-L65 EPQ 1190088-005 59
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1963B $1 Fr. 1902-L*65 EPQ 1135679-002 102
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-A64 EPQ 1306130-001 36
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-A*66 EPQ 1190092-004 205
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-B66 EPQ 1306130-004 59
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-B*66 EPQ 1527506-004 81
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-C66 EPQ 1306130-006 59
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-C*66 EPQ 1195615-001 81
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-D66 EPQ 1525662-004 24
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-D*66 EPQ 1527506-005 81
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-E67 EPQ 1017538-048 72
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-E*66 EPQ 1191571-011 81
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-F67 EPQ 1525662-006 72
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-F*65 EPQ 1306130-013 63
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-G66 EPQ 1306130-014 59
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-G*64 EPQ 1306130-015 57
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-H66 EPQ 1306130-016 59
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-H*65 EPQ 1306130-017 63
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-I66 EPQ 1306130-018 59
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-I*66 EPQ 1162405-003 205
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-J67 EPQ 1525662-008 72
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-J*64 EPQ 1191571-012 57
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-K66 EPQ 1525662-009 59
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-K*66 EPQ 1191571-013 81
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-L67 EPQ 1306130-024 72
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1969 $1 Fr. 1903-L*66 EPQ 1306130-025 76
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-A66 EPQ 1308434-005 119
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-A*66 EPQ 1195615-003 67
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-B65 EPQ 1162409-007 20
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-B*64 EPQ 1190086-002 44
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-C66 EPQ 1308434-006 24
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-C*65 EPQ 1190086-003 50
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-D65 EPQ 1525663-001 20
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-D*66 EPQ 1306533-002 59
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-E67 EPQ 1525663-003 28
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-E*64 EPQ 1306533-003 44
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-F66 EPQ 1525663-004 24
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-F*66 EPQ 1525663-005 59
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-G65 EPQ 1519006-008 20
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-G*65 EPQ 1195615-005 50
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-H66 EPQ 1525663-006 24
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-H*67 EPQ 1162414-002 102
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-I66 EPQ 1308436-017 24
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-I*65 EPQ 1195615-006 155
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-J66 EPQ 1525663-008 59
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-J*66 EPQ 1191571-014 59
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-K67 EPQ 1525663-010 37
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-L64 EPQ 1308436-018 20
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1969A $1 Fr. 1904-L*65 EPQ 1195615-007 50
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-A64 EPQ 1308436-019 29
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-A*65 EPQ 1308436-020 59
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-B65 EPQ 1308436-021 32
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-B*64 EPQ 1190091-003 41
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-C67 EPQ 1308436-022 45
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-C*66 EPQ 1525659-002 59
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-D66 EPQ 1308436-023 24
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-D*65 EPQ 1308434-008 50
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-E64 EPQ 1308436-025 29
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-E*66 EPQ 1195608-007 67
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-F64 EPQ 1308436-026 29
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-F*65 EPQ 1190091-004 50
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-G65 EPQ 1308436-027 32
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-G*66 EPQ 1135632-008 59
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-H65 EPQ 1308436-028 32
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-H*64 EPQ 1525659-003 53
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-I66 EPQ 1308436-029 37
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-I*65 EPQ 1525661-006 179
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-J66 EPQ 1308436-030 37
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-J*66 EPQ 1162414-003 67
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-K66 EPQ 1308436-031 37
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-K*65 EPQ 1191571-015 76
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-L63 EPQ 1308436-032 25
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1969B $1 Fr. 1905-L*66 EPQ 1191571-016 59
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-B66 EPQ 1308437-001 32
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-D65 EPQ 1308437-002 37
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-D*67 EPQ 1162405-004 288
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-E66 EPQ 1308437-003 37
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-E*65 EPQ 1519005-026 248
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-F65 EPQ 1308437-004 32
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-F*64 EPQ 1135822-005 120
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-G66 EPQ 1308437-005 37
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-G*66 EPQ 1162418-002 147
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-H66 EPQ 1308437-006 37
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-H*65 EPQ 1135822-008 131
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-I66 EPQ 1308437-007 37
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-I*65 EPQ 1135822-009 179
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-J65 EPQ 1308437-008 32
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-J*66 EPQ 1135822-010 147
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-K66 EPQ 1308437-009 37
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-K*66 EPQ 1135822-011 205
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-L66 EPQ 1308437-010 37
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1969C $1 Fr. 1906-L*67 EPQ 1513758-006 882
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-A66 EPQ 1306130-002 37
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-A*66 EPQ 1525661-007 147
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-B64 EPQ 1306130-027 29
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-B*65 EPQ 1191571-017 50
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-C67 EPQ 1306130-028 45
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-C*65 EPQ 1308437-011 50
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-D66 EPQ 1306130-029 37
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-D*66 EPQ 1525661-008 67
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-E65 EPQ 1306130-030 32
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-E*66 EPQ 1162418-003 59
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-F66 EPQ 1306130-031 37
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-F*67 EPQ 1195611-001 67
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-G65 EPQ 1306130-032 32
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-G*65 EPQ 1195611-002 50
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-H64 EPQ 1306130-033 29
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-H*67 EPQ 1162405-005 81
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-I66 EPQ 1306130-034 37
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-J65 EPQ 1610212-004 32
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-J*66 EPQ 1308437-012 45
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-K65 EPQ 1306130-036 32
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-K*64 EPQ 1195618-004 34
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-L67 EPQ 1306130-037 45
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1969D $1 Fr. 1907-L*66 EPQ 1306130-062 45
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-A66 EPQ 1306130-038 59
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-A*67 EPQ 1162414-007 123
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-Abpe  No Note
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-B67 EPQ 1518998-032 72
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-B*66 EPQ 1308437-013 81
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-Bbpe  No Note
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-C66 EPQ 1306130-040 59
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-C*67 EPQ 1525662-010 123
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-Cbpe  No Note
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-D64 EPQ 1306130-041 20
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-D*65 EPQ 1519005-009 183
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-Dbpe67 EPQ 1854380-001 727
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-E65 EPQ 1306130-042 45
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-E*67 EPQ 1525662-011 123
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-F67 EPQ 1518998-035 72
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-F*66 EPQ 1308437-014 102
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-Fbpe65 EPQ 1854380-002 406
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-G66 EPQ 1306130-044 59
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-G*65 EPQ 1135632-009 81
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-Gbpe  No Note
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-H65 EPQ 1162414-005 45
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-H*66 EPQ 1525656-001 102
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-Hbpe65 EPQ 1854380-003 406
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-I66 EPQ 1306130-046 59
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-I*67 EPQ 1525662-012 288
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-J64 EPQ 1306130-047 36
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-J*65 EPQ 1024940-018 81
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-Jbpe*66 EPQ 1527508-001 804
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-K66 EPQ 1306130-048 59
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-K*66 EPQ 1525662-013 102
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-L65 EPQ 1306130-049 45
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-L*65 EPQ 1195601-002 81
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1974 $1 Fr. 1908-Lbpe65 EPQ 1182847-006 597
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-A67 EPQ 1306130-050 41
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-A*66 EPQ 1525664-003 147
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-B67 EPQ 1306130-051 41
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-B*64 EPQ 1191580-007 44
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-C65 EPQ 1306130-052 28
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-C*66 EPQ 1519005-010 59
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-D67 EPQ 1306130-053 28
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-D*66 EPQ 1308435-017 106
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-E64 EPQ 1306130-054 25
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-E*65 EPQ 1519005-011 50
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-F66 EPQ 1306130-055 37
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-F*66 EPQ 1525664-004 59
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-G66 EPQ 1306130-056 37
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-G*65 EPQ 1519005-012 50
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-H66 EPQ 1306130-057 37
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-H*66 EPQ 1519005-013 67
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-I66 EPQ 1308437-015 37
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-I*66 EPQ 1308437-016 59
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-J65 EPQ 1306130-059 28
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-J*66 EPQ 1525664-005 59
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-K66 EPQ 1306130-060 37
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-K*66 EPQ 1525664-006 59
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-L66 EPQ 1162414-006 37
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1977 $1 Fr. 1909-L*66 EPQ 1308437-017 59
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-A64 EPQ 1308437-018 25
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-A*63 EPQ 1519000-001 84
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-B66 EPQ 1525664-007 37
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-B*65 EPQ 1519000-002 50
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-C66 EPQ 1525664-008 37
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-C*66 EPQ 1519000-003 59
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-D66 EPQ 1519000-004 24
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-D*64 EPQ 1519000-005 44
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-E65 EPQ 1519000-006 28
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-E*66 EPQ 1519000-008 59
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-Em  No Note
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-Em*  No Note
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-F63 EPQ 1191571-004 24
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-F*65 EPQ 1519000-009 50
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-G66 EPQ 1308437-019 37
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-G*65 EPQ 1519000-010 50
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-Gm65 EPQ 1607360-001 389
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-Gm*  No Note
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-H65 EPQ 1308437-020 28
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-H*66 EPQ 1519000-011 59
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-I63 EPQ 1308437-021 24
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-I*65 EPQ 1519000-012 102
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-J66 EPQ 1308435-019 37
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-J*66 EPQ 1527506-007 59
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-K64 EPQ 1308435-020 25
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-K*66 EPQ 1527506-009 89
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-Km66 EPQ 1527506-008 37
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-Km*  No Note
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-L65 EPQ 1162413-001 28
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-L*65 EPQ 1519000-015 50
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-Lm  No Note
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1977A $1 Fr. 1910-Lm*  No Note
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-A66 EPQ 1162413-002 37
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-A*65 EPQ 1308437-023 76
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Am64 EPQ 1743774-003 29
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Am*66 EPQ 1743774-004 183
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-B65 EPQ 1519001-018 28
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-B*65 EPQ 1308437-024 76
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Bm63 1743774-005 24
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Bm*64 EPQ 1743774-006 146
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-C65 EPQ 1519001-019 28
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-C*66 EPQ 1308437-025 579
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Cm65 EPQ 1960303-001 32
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Cm*64 EPQ 1960303-003 558
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-D65 EPQ 1519001-020 20
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-D*66 EPQ 1308437-026 85
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Dm65 EPQ 1743774-008 32
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Dm*66 EPQ 1743774-009 183
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-E64 EPQ 1519001-021 25
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-E*65 EPQ 1308437-027 102
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1981 Fr. 1911-Em66 EPQ 1743774-010 37
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Em*65 EPQ 1743774-011 159
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-F66 EPQ 1519006-009 37
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-F*66 EPQ 1527506-010 85
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Fm66 EPQ 1960303-002 37
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Fm*66 EPQ 1743774-012 183
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-G67 EPQ 1518998-040 41
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Gm65 EPQ 1818777-002 32
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Gm*65 EPQ 1888305-001 102
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-G*66 EPQ 1308437-029 85
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-H66 EPQ 1519001-024 37
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1981 Fr. 1911-Hm66 EPQ 1743774-013 37
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-H*66 EPQ 1308437-030 85
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Hm*64 EPQ 1960303-004 93
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-I65 EPQ 1519001-025 28
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-I*64 EPQ 1308437-031 93
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Im65 EPQ 1960303-005 32
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Im*64 EPQ 1743774-014 146
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-J66 EPQ 1519001-026 37
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-J*65 EPQ 1308437-032 76
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Jm66 EPQ 1818777-003 37
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Jm*64 EPQ 1743774-015 146
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-K65 EPQ 1519001-027 28
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-K*65 EPQ 1308437-033 76
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Km66 EPQ 1743774-016 37
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Km*67 EPQ 1818777-004 209
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-L65 EPQ 1519006-010 28
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-L*63 EPQ 1308437-034 60
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Lm68 EPQ 1743774-018 50
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1981 $1 Fr. 1911-Lm*  No Note
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-A67 EPQ 1007481-064 45
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Am67 EPQ 1525665-001 45
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-B67 EPQ 1525665-002 45
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-B*66 EPQ 1195613-001 89
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Bm65 EPQ 1525665-014 32
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Bm*  No Note
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-C66 EPQ 1525665-003 37
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Cm67 EPQ 1525665-015 45
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Cbpe  No Note
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-D67 EPQ 1525665-004 45
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Dm65 EPQ 1525665-016 32
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-E65 EPQ 1525665-017 32
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-E*64 EPQ 1525662-014 70
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Em66 EPQ 1525665-005 37
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Em*68 EPQ 1818777-006 155
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-F67 EPQ 1525662-016 41
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Fm67 EPQ 1525665-006 45
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-G65 EPQ 1525662-017 32
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-G*65 EPQ 1195613-002 76
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Gm65 EPQ 1525665-007 32
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Gm*66 EPQ 1525662-018 119
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-H65 EPQ 1191571-003 32
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Hbpe67 EPQ 1700560-002 463
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Hm65 EPQ 1525665-021 32
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-I65 EPQ 1525665-009 32
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Im66 EPQ 1527502-003 37
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Ibpe  No Note
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-J67 EPQ 1525665-010 45
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Jm67 EPQ 1525662-019 45
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-K67 EPQ 1525662-020 45
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-K*66 EPQ 1610223-001 2472
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Km66 EPQ 1525665-011 37
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-L65 EPQ 1525656-008 32
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-L*64 EPQ 1519005-015 70
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Lm65 EPQ 1525665-026 32
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Lm*66 EPQ 1525662-021 119
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1981A $1 Fr. 1912-Lbpe  No Note
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-A65 EPQ 1306530-001 32
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-Am (bpe #129)  No Note
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-B67 EPQ 1162409-005 45
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-Bm (bpe #129)  No Note
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-C67 EPQ 1527506-011 45
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-D65 EPQ 1519001-032 32
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-Dm (bpe #129)  No Note
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-E65 EPQ 1519003-005 32
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-E*65 EPQ 1195613-005 76
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-Em - BPE #129VF 35 EPQ 1527506-012 98
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-F66 EPQ 1525664-009 37
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-Fm - BPE #129  No Note
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-G66 EPQ 1519001-036 37
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-G*66 EPQ 1525664-010 89
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-H65 EPQ 1519001-037 32
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-H*64 EPQ 1610223-002 2021
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-I65 EPQ 1519001-038 32
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-I*66 EPQ 1004953-122 89
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-J65 EPQ 1525664-011 32
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-K66 EPQ 1162413-004 37
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-K*67 EPQ 1525664-012 102
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-L66 EPQ 1519004-001 37
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-L*66 EPQ 1525662-022 89
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1985 $1 Fr. 1913-Lm - BPE #12964 EPQ 1624238-001 558
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-A64 EPQ 1191575-019 34
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-A*68 EPQ 1525664-013 119
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-B64 EPQ 1191575-020 29
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-B*65 EPQ 1525665-027 76
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-C66 EPQ 1195613-006 45
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-D67 EPQ 1519002-003 50
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-E66 EPQ 1135633-009 45
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-E*67 EPQ 1525664-014 102
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-F65 EPQ 1519002-005 37
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-F*66 EPQ* 1721296-001 2341
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-G66 EPQ 1519002-006 37
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-H67 EPQ 1519002-007 50
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-I66 EPQ 1519002-008 59
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-J66 EPQ 1519002-009 37
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-J*66 EPQ 1525664-015 89
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-K67 EPQ 1519002-010 59
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-K*65 EPQ 1818775-001 351
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-L66 EPQ 1519002-011 37
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1988 $1 Fr. 1914-L*68 EPQ 1700555-054 119
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-A66 EPQ 1519002-012 37
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-B65 EPQ 1519006-012 32
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-B*64 EPQ 1525665-029 38
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-C66 EPQ 1519002-015 37
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-D66 EPQ 1519002-016 37
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-D*66 EPQ 1004949-209 59
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-E66 EPQ 1074235-001 37
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-E*65 EPQ 1525660-003 50
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-F66 EPQ 1527502-004 37
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-F*65 EPQ 1525660-004 50
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-G67 EPQ 1525664-016 45
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-G*65 EPQ 1519000-018 41
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-H66 EPQ 1818777-010 37
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-H*66 EPQ 1525664-017 59
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-I65 EPQ 1519002-020 32
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-I*65 EPQ 1525664-018 131
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-J65 EPQ 1519002-021 32
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-K66 EPQ 1525664-019 37
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1988A $1 Fr. 1915-L64 EPQ 1519002-023 29
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1988A $1 Fr. 1916-F66 EPQ 1525660-005 37
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1988A $1 Fr. 1916-G65 EPQ 1519002-025 32
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1988A $1 Fr. 1916-G*66 EPQ 1525664-020 50
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1988A $1 Fr. 1916-H64 EPQ 1308434-011 29
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1988A $1 Fr. 1916-I65 EPQ 1519002-027 32
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1988A $1 Fr. 1916-I*65 EPQ 1525660-007 131
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1988A $1 Fr. 1916-J67 EPQ 1518998-045 45
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1988A $1 Fr. 1916-K66 EPQ 1525665-030 37
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1988A $1 Fr. 1916-K*66 EPQ 1519000-019 89
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1988A $1 Fr. 1916-L66 EPQ 1306530-002 37
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1988A $1 Fr. 1916-L*67 EPQ 1190087-002 67
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1988A $1 Fr. 1916-Lfpe*  No Note
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1988A $1 Fr. 1917-A (web-fed press)66 EPQ 1511762-003 255
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1988A $1 Fr. 1917-B (web-fed press)AU 55 1186923-006 1417
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1988A $1 Fr. 1917-C (web-fed press)65 EPQ 1525657-006 272
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1988A $1 Fr. 1917-E (web-fed press)65 EPQ 5009643-011 227
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1988A $1 Fr. 1917-F (web-fed press)66 EPQ 1518999-002 230
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1988A $1 Fr. 1917-F* (web-fed press)VF 25 8010999-003 1138
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1988A $1 Fr. 1917-G (web-fed press)66 EPQ 1190093-008 489
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-A66 EPQ 1190086-005 37
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-Am66 EPQ 1525666-001 37
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-B67 EPQ 1190086-006 45
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-B*66 EPQ 1519005-016 59
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-Bm66 EPQ 1525666-002 37
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1993 Fr. 1918-Bm*67 EPQ 1960303-006 262
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-C64 EPQ 1190086-007 29
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-C*66 EPQ 1527502-007 762
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-D66 EPQ 1519006-013 37
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-Dm66 EPQ 1525666-003 37
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-E67 EPQ 1525666-005 45
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-Em65 EPQ 1525666-004 32
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-F66 EPQ 1525666-007 37
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-F*64 EPQ 1306533-005 44
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-Fm66 EPQ 1525666-006 37
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-Fm*67 EPQ 1960303-023 190
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-G66 EPQ 1519003-006 37
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-Gm66 EPQ 1525666-008 37
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-L64 EPQ 1519003-007 29
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1993 $1 Fr. 1918-Lm66 EPQ 1525666-009 37
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1993 $1 Fr. 1919-G67 EPQ 1525666-010 45
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1993 $1 Fr. 1919-G*66 EPQ 1191571-020 59
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1993 $1 Fr. 1919-Gm65 EPQ 1525666-011 32
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1993 $1 Fr. 1919-H65 EPQ 1519003-008 32
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1993 $1 Fr. 1919-Hm  No Note
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1993 $1 Fr. 1919-I66 EPQ 1519003-009 762
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1993 $1 Fr. 1919-Im  No Note
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1993 $1 Fr. 1919-K64 EPQ 1519003-010 29
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1993 $1 Fr. 1919-K*66 EPQ 1074227-066 59
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1993 $1 Fr. 1919-Km66 EPQ 1525666-012 37
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1993 $1 Fr. 1919-L66 EPQ 1162413-006 37
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1993 $1 Fr. 1919-Lm67 EPQ 1525666-013 45
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1993 $1 Fr. 1920-B65 EPQ 1525662-027 179
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1993 $1 Fr. 1920-C66 EPQ 1525666-014 205
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-A66 EPQ 1525666-015 37
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-A*66 EPQ 1016420-211 50
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-B66 EPQ 1525666-016 37
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-B*66 EPQ 1525662-028 50
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-C64 EPQ 1525666-017 29
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-C*66 EPQ 1190096-001 50
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-D66 EPQ 1525666-018 37
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-D*67 EPQ 1190096-002 59
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-E67 EPQ 1527506-013 45
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-E*67 EPQ 1004950-191 59
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-F66 EPQ 1525666-020 37
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-F*68 EPQ 1007481-014 67
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-G66 EPQ 1525664-021 37
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-I68 EPQ 1074227-079 194
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-J65 EPQ 1525664-022 32
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1995 $1 Fr. 1921-L66 EPQ 1525664-023 37
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-D67 EPQ 1525656-011 45
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-F65 EPQ 1525656-013 32
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-F*65 EPQ 1190096-003 41
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-G65 EPQ 1525666-021 32
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-G*66 EPQ 1190096-005 50
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-G BPE 29566 EPQ 1743777-002 366
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-H65 EPQ 1525666-022 32
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-H BPE 29567 EPQ 1743777-004 395
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-I68 EPQ 1015386-043 50
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-I*67 EPQ 1004953-240 59
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-I BPE 29567 EPQ 1703486-001 395
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-J66 EPQ 1525666-024 37
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-J BPE 29566 EPQ 1960303-015 357
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-J*65 EPQ 1519000-020 41
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-K66 EPQ 1525666-025 37
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-K BPE 29567 EPQ 1854380-004 395
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-K*67 EPQ 1017532-167 171
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-L66 EPQ 1525666-026 37
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-L*67 EPQ 1519005-018 59
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1995 $1 Fr. 1922-L BPE 29566 EPQ 1743777-007 366
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1995 $1 Fr. 1923-A66 EPQ 1308435-021 119
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1995 $1 Fr. 1923-B65 EPQ 1511762-035 102
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1995 $1 Fr. 1923-D66 EPQ 1195607-002 119
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1995 $1 Fr. 1923-F67 EPQ 1195607-003 135
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1999 $1 Fr. 1924-A64 EPQ 1190098-001 29
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1999 $1 Fr. 1924-A*66 EPQ 1195613-009 45
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1999 $1 Fr. 1924-B65 EPQ 1115008-006 32
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1999 $1 Fr. 1924-B*67 EPQ 1004948-085 50
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1999 $1 Fr. 1924-C64 EPQ 1527502-008 29
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1999 $1 Fr. 1924-C*67 EPQ 1074227-076 50
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1999 $1 Fr. 1924-D67 EPQ 1527506-014 45
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1999 $1 Fr. 1924-D*65 EPQ 1195606-003 248
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1999 $1 Fr. 1924-E65 EPQ 1162407-002 32
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1999 $1 Fr. 1924-E*68 EPQ 1007481-006 59
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1999 $1 Fr. 1924-F67 EPQ 1525662-029 45
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1999 $1 Fr. 1924-F*  No Note
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1999 $1 Fr. 1925-F65 EPQ 1190098-004 32
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1999 $1 Fr. 1925-F*66 EPQ 1525662-030 471
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1999 $1 Fr. 1925-G67 EPQ 1190098-005 45
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1999 $1 Fr. 1925-H67 EPQ 1525662-031 45
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1999 $1 Fr. 1925-H*66 EPQ 1004951-038 45
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1999 $1 Fr. 1925-I67 EPQ 1525659-007 67
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1999 $1 Fr. 1925-J66 EPQ 1191571-006 37
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1999 $1 Fr. 1925-K67 EPQ 1115008-007 45
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1999 $1 Fr. 1925-L66 EPQ 1190098-006 37
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1999 $1 Fr. 1925-L*67 EPQ 1004946-290 50
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-A66 EPQ 1518999-004 37
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-A*66 EPQ 1519004-003 282
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-B65 EPQ 1525661-011 32
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-C65 EPQ 1518999-006 32
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-C*66 EPQ 1191571-022 45
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-D66 EPQ 1525661-013 37
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-E67 EPQ 1525661-014 45
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-F65 EPQ 1525661-015 311
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-F*67 EPQ 1527501-001 392
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-H67 EPQ 1525661-016 45
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-H*67 EPQ 1527501-002 602
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-I66 EPQ 1519004-004 89
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-J66 EPQ 1527501-003 67
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-K64 NET 1527502-009 58
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2001 $1 Fr. 1926-L65 EPQ 1525661-018 131
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2001 $1 Fr. 1927-F66 EPQ 1306530-005 37
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2001 $1 Fr. 1927-F*67 EPQ 1191571-023 262
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2001 $1 Fr. 1927-G66 EPQ 1525661-019 37
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2001 $1 Fr. 1927-G*66 EPQ 1191571-024 230
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2001 $1 Fr. 1927-H66 EPQ 1527501-004 37
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2001 $1 Fr. 1927-I65 EPQ 1527501-005 32
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2001 $1 Fr. 1927-J66 EPQ 1525661-020 45
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2001 $1 Fr. 1927-K67 EPQ 1518999-012 45
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2001 $1 Fr. 1927-K*68 EPQ 2022498-007 59
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2001 $1 Fr. 1927-L66 EPQ 1518999-015 37
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2001 $1 Fr. 1927-L*65 EPQ 1162410-003 37
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-A66 EPQ 1527501-007 37
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-A*66 EPQ 1162418-004 119
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-B64 EPQ 1525659-008 25
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-B*66 EPQ 1190095-002 119
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-C67 EPQ 1527501-008 41
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-D65 EPQ 1308435-022 28
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-D*66 EPQ 1527502-010 579
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-E66 EPQ 1519003-013 37
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-E*66 EPQ 1191571-025 119
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-F66 EPQ 1527501-009 37
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-F*67 EPQ 1527501-010 171
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-H  No Note
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2003 $1 Fr. 1928-J68 EPQ 2022493-002 50
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2003 $1 Fr. 1929-C  No Note
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2003 $1 Fr. 1929-F67 EPQ 1527501-011 41
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2003 $1 Fr. 1929-F*67 EPQ 1191571-026 135
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2003 $1 Fr. 1929-G67 EPQ 1008399-167 41
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2003 $1 Fr. 1929-G*67 EPQ 1525668-007 135
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2003 $1 Fr. 1929-H67 EPQ 1527501-012 41
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2003 $1 Fr. 1929-I65 EPQ 1519003-014 28
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2003 $1 Fr. 1929-J67 EPQ 1527501-013 41
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2003 $1 Fr. 1929-K65 EPQ 8020604-015 28
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2003 $1 Fr. 1929-K*67 EPQ 1522775-001 135
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2003 $1 Fr. 1929-L67 EPQ 1518998-009 41
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2003 $1 Fr. 1929-L*67 EPQ 1306533-012 135
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2003A $1 Fr. 1930-A66 EPQ 1527501-014 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1930-B66 EPQ 1519003-016 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1930-B*65 EPQ 1162410-005 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1930-C67 EPQ 1527501-015 45
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2003A $1 Fr. 1930-C*65 EPQ 1162418-005 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1930-D66 EPQ 1519003-018 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1930-E66 EPQ 1519003-019 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1930-E*65 EPQ 1190093-009 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1930-F66 EPQ 1525659-009 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1930-F*65 EPQ 1162410-006 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1930-G65 EPQ 1525659-010 32
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2003A $1 Fr. 1931-F65 EPQ 1519003-022 32
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2003A $1 Fr. 1931-F*65 EPQ 1519003-024 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1931-G67 EPQ 1519003-027 45
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2003A $1 Fr. 1931-H66 EPQ 1527501-016 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1931-I67 EPQ 1016625-153 45
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2003A $1 Fr. 1931-J66 EPQ 1527501-017 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1931-J*67 EPQ 1190087-003 50
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2003A $1 Fr. 1931-K66 EPQ 1115008-001 37
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2003A $1 Fr. 1931-K*67 EPQ 1195610-006 135
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2003A $1 Fr. 1931-L66 EPQ 1115008-003 37
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2006 $1 Fr. 1932-A66 EPQ 1527501-018 37
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2006 $1 Fr. 1932-B65 EPQ 1525660-008 32
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2006 $1 Fr. 1932-B*66 EPQ 1191571-027 45
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2006 $1 Fr. 1932-C67 EPQ 1525660-009 45
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2006 $1 Fr. 1932-D68 EPQ 1162407-003 50
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2006 $1 Fr. 1932-E67 EPQ 1525660-010 45
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2006 $1 Fr. 1932-F66 EPQ 1527501-019 37
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2006 $1 Fr. 1932-F*67 EPQ 1191571-028 50
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2006 $1 Fr. 1932-K67 EPQ 1960305-011 171
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2006 $1 Fr. 1932-L67 EPQ 1960305-012 171
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-A65 EPQ 1308434-016 32
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-B67 EPQ 1525664-025 45
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-C68 EPQ 1527501-020 50
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-D66 EPQ 1308434-019 37
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-D*66 EPQ 1525664-026 434
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-E66 EPQ 1519006-018 37
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-F66 EPQ 1525659-012 37
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-F*68 EPQ 1527501-022 194
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-G68 EPQ 1527501-023 50
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-G*65 EPQ 1190095-006 37
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-H66 EPQ 1525664-028 37
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-I66 EPQ 1525661-022 37
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-J66 EPQ 1308434-022 37
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-J*67 EPQ 1610211-002 50
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-K66 EPQ 1135799-003 37
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-K*66 EPQ 1525659-013 45
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-L67 EPQ 1519006-019 45
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2006 $1 Fr. 1933-L*67 EPQ 1135678-004 50
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-A66 EPQ* 1525663-011 40
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-B66 EPQ 1195607-005 37
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-B*65 EPQ 1195605-002 131
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-C66 EPQ 1525663-012 37
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-D67 EPQ 1519004-006 45
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-E65 EPQ 1525656-020 32
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-F67 EPQ 1525657-010 45
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-F*64 EPQ 1525656-022 34
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-G67 EPQ 1960306-001 45
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-G*64 1308435-023 32
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-H67 EPQ 1519004-008 45
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-H*65 EPQ 1525661-023 1562
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-I66 EPQ 1519004-009 37
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-J68 EPQ 1960306-005 50
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-J*67 EPQ 1308435-025 102
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-K67 EPQ 1191575-021 45
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-K*67 EPQ 1527508-002 640
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-L67 EPQ 1306137-003 45
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2009 $1 Fr. 1934-L*66 EPQ 1525663-013 282
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2009 $1 Fr. 3000-A66 EPQ 1195607-004 37
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2009 $1 Fr. 3000-A*67 EPQ 1308435-026 50
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2009 $1 Fr. 3000-B66 EPQ 1525663-015 37
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2009 $1 Fr. 3000-B*66 EPQ 1525663-016 45
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2009 $1 Fr. 3000-C66 EPQ 1519004-013 37
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2009 $1 Fr. 3000-D66 EPQ 1525663-020 37
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2009 $1 Fr. 3000-D*66 EPQ* 1525659-016 47
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2009 $1 Fr. 3000-E66 EPQ 1525658-018 37
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2009 $1 Fr. 3000-F66 EPQ 1525663-021 37
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2009 $1 Fr. 3000-G68 EPQ 2022497-004 50
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2009 $1 Fr. 3000-I66 EPQ 1525663-022 37
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2009 $1 Fr. 3000-J68 EPQ 2022497-002 50
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-A68 EPQ 1525668-024 50
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-B69 EPQ 1740975-007 72
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-B*69 EPQ 1610209-003 81
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-C67 EPQ 1519004-023 45
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-D67 EPQ 1525663-024 45
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-D*66 EPQ 1743776-001 45
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-E67 EPQ 1527506-020 45
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-F66 EPQ 1527501-024 37
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-G66 EPQ 1519004-026 37
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-G*67 EPQ 1610206-001 50
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-H66 EPQ 1610200-001 37
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-H*67 EPQ 1610209-004 67
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-I66 EPQ 1610201-002 37
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-J67 EPQ 1610214-004 45
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-J*66 EPQ 1610219-010 661
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-K67 EPQ 1610214-006 45
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-K*66 EPQ 1527509-001 45
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-L67 EPQ 1527506-023 45
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2013 $1 Fr. 3001-L*67 EPQ 1527506-025 67
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2013 $1 Fr. 3002-A66 EPQ 1610200-002 37
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2013 $1 Fr. 3002-A*66 EPQ 1610206-003 45
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2013 $1 Fr. 3002-B68 EPQ 1525669-011 50
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2013 $1 Fr. 3002-B*66 EPQ 1527502-017 45
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2013 $1 Fr. 3002-C66 EPQ* 1610210-007 40
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2013 $1 Fr. 3002-E67 EPQ 1610210-008 45
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2013 $1 Fr. 3002-E*66 EPQ 1610209-009 45
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2013 $1 Fr. 3002-F66 EPQ* 1527508-003 40
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2013 $1 Fr. 3002-F*66 EPQ 1610200-003 45
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2017 $1 Fr. 3003-A67 EPQ 1854387-001 45
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2017 $1 Fr. 3003-A*67 EPQ 1854391-001 72
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2017 $1 Fr. 3003-B67 EPQ 1743776-003 45
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2017 $1 Fr. 3003-B*67 EPQ 1744911-003 72
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2017 $1 Fr. 3003-C66 EPQ 1854392-006 37
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2017 $1 Fr. 3003-D67 EPQ 1744910-005 45
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2017 $1 Fr. 3003-F67 EPQ 1744907-009 45
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2017 $1 Fr. 3003-F*68 EPQ 1743776-005 81
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2017 $1 Fr. 3003-L68 EPQ 1960303-019 50
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-D67 EPQ 2022489-002 41
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-E67 EPQ 1854388-005 45
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-E*68 EPQ 1854391-006 81
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-G68 EPQ 1854384-004 50
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-G*66 EPQ 1743773-001 59
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-H67 EPQ 1743772-002 45
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-H*67 EPQ 1854382-005 72
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-I68 EPQ 1854388-015 50
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-I*63 1743769-001 620
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-J68 EPQ 1960301-007 50
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-J*66 EPQ 1854382-006 59
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-K67 EPQ 1854382-010 45
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-K*66 EPQ 1854382-013 59
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-L67 EPQ 1854382-014 45
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2017 $1 Fr. 3004-L*66 EPQ 2022489-004 59
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-B66 EPQ 2022497-007 37
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-B*  No Note
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-C68 EPQ 2022493-003 50
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-D66 EPQ 2022497-008 37
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-E67 EPQ 2022493-004 45
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-E*  No Note
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-F67 EPQ 1960303-030 41
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-F*69 EPQ* 2022490-006 122
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-G67 EPQ 2022497-013 41
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-G*68 EPQ 1960306-009 81
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-H68 EPQ 2022497-014 50
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-IAU 50 EPQ 2022499-001 7
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-J 66 EPQ 2022489-007 37
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-K66 EPQ 1960301-016 37
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-L67 EPQ 2022489-009 41
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2017A $1 Fr. 3005-L*66 EPQ 1960303-034 59
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2017A $1 Fr. 3006-A68 EPQ 1960306-011 50
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2017A $1 Fr. 3006-A*67 EPQ 1960305-001 72
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2017A $1 Fr. 3006-B66 EPQ 1960301-009 37
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2017A $1 Fr. 3006-B*68 EPQ 1960305-003 81
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2017A $1 Fr. 3006-D66 EPQ 1960305-006 37
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2017A $1 Fr. 3006-E69 EPQ 2022493-006 67
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2017A $1 Fr. 3006-G67 EPQ 1960305-007 41
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2017A $1 Fr. 3006-G*67 EPQ 2022487-001 72
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-A  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-A*  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-B  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-B*65 EPQ 2022494-003 50
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-C  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-D  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-D*  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-E  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-F  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3008-G  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3008-G*  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3008-H  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3008-I  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3008-I*  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-J  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-J*   No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-K  No Note
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2021 $1 Fr. 3007-L  No Note
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All Set Notes/Scores

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