Many A Skirmish and an Alien! We've got the biggest and baddest aftershock of a symbiote. We keep it back in black with a shot of, "What was that?" In these the "Secret" of wars! Make it so! The line must be drawn here, no further. A Beyonder of a story, that is eventually the mind of gold, or the well that springs eternal. Go Symbiote, Go Symbiote, Go! Dressed in black, like a ninja, here to take the power back? Keep it tuned in and turned up.
Secrets are no longer secret in war, but LOVE will conquer it all given time. These little stories have brought the heroes some good fortune, but how long until the "war continues!"
These Secret Wars had just that, things hidden away within that needed out into the self-fulfilled heroes' lives. Things they could no longer do without, and a telling tale of those inner thoughts that had some discourse for evolving upon itself. With longed for ambitions, the writers and artists had it all play out, and with not too much horseplay. They got in their kicks though that is for sure, with someone being potty trained, to machines that spit out aliens. Those iterations brought about sagas for the decades that still had some meat on the bones. Symbiotes and explosions, so long as those heroes are willing and can carry out those instruments with implementations! Carrying many titles and genres along for the ride, the common goals sometimes come about just to survive. They ended up having some big names inserted. for the bigger causes they could now face!