CGC Registry

Tony Goes To New Jersey

Set Type: Chew
Owner: peter.l
Last Modified: 8/20/2022
Views: 378

Rank: 1
Score: 3961
Leading by: 331
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

I’ve always enjoyed visual artists that find expressive ways to draw their figures and put them in engaging situations. Add in a slightly absurd story line with the winning combination of John and Rob and the Chew series easily got me wrapped up in it's story and art.

In the Fall of 2019 I looked at what was missing from my Chew collection and what it would take to put together a complete set of higher grade books. It seemed doable with only 60 books and 40+ extras and spinoffs and I was able to fill in what I had missed through purchases and submissions. Unfortunately I'm a completist when it comes to collecting, and getting this set together occupied a lot of time in 2020 and kept me busy. As any of us with this same affliction knows, the hunt becomes all consuming at times. I picked up missing issues as they came up and upgraded whenever I could. There was always the light at the end of the tunnel that kept me going and got closer with each new book I added.

I've been submitting books to CGC for a few years, but chasing this set was a learning process that expanded my grading skills. The notes I got back from my mistakes and the flaws that escaped me have made me much more critical of what I am submitting. I've learned from my mistakes and you'll sees there’s a range of grading in these books because of that. I’m always looking to upgrade any of these copies whenever the opportunity comes up.

Beyond the books listed in this set, I have additional Chew issues that were important for me to have. It's that completist thing again.

Issues 22 and 37 had dual cover illustrations that were not marked as variants but had both marked as “A” covers. Only 1 of each can be included in the set but they belong together side by side and visually expand the story line. They look amazing when seen this way and I've included images of both variants that I have. The copies on the left are included in my set.

Here's the variant of the Game Edition that was signed by the creators and used as a dealer incentive. Only the unsigned Game Edition is included in the series but I wanted to have one of the signed copies too.

I found that copies of the Mexican Edition had been slabbed and added one.

One of my favorite Chew spin offs that will never get slabbed, is the Chew Coloring Book. It’s half an inch to big to fit in a standard magazine slab and there are no other options. It’s over sized with black and white inked pages from various issues. It gives you a wonderful chance to see the pre colored pages and dive into the pure line work.

The 2011 Edition of Hero Comics had multiple covers, 2 of which I have added below. The sketch cover is in the set and was a SS upgrade from the blue label.

Normally the outside back cover of each Chew issue highlighted the next issues front cover. Issues 15, 23, 30. 45, 50, 50 Convention Edition and 60 all deviated from that design and had wrap around covers that you rarely get a chance to see side by side so I've included them below.

Thanks to everyone who helped me gather these books, especially to all at Lone Star and thanks to CGC customer service for their patience as I asked questions about the registry and boards.

After reading through the Boards I finally understand how to defeat reflections and get even lighting on a book. I made adjustments in the way I was shooting and redid all the books front and back images over a 3 day period to get a consistent feel on all the issues. I'll continue to update the images as needed.

I’m always looking to upgrade issues as I can and anyone that can help is welcome to contact me. In the meantime, to keep busy and start on something new I’ve been enjoying the first arc of the new Chu series and am happy to see the story line continue in that new direction.

Have fun collecting and thanks for stopping by to look at a set I've had a lot of fun putting together—


comic_category_sm Set Typecomic_category_sm Set Typecomic_category_sm Set Typecomic_category_sm Set Typecomic_modern_age_sm 2021

Slot DescriptionCert #GradeScore
Walking Dead 61 1112203004 9.8220 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 63 2086488017 9.8200 Shop eBay
Chew 1 0175270004 9.848 Shop eBay
Chew 1 Second Printing 1228444002 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 1 Third Printing 1063997007 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 1 Limited Edition 0163879003 9.844 Shop eBay
Chew 1 Fourth Printing 0163537030 9.940 Shop eBay
Chew 1 (2015) Game Edition 1327565001 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 2 1063997021 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 2 Second Printing 3838327005 9.615 Shop eBay
Chew 2 Third Printing 3732574008 9.615 Shop eBay
Chew 2 Fourth Printing 3838327006 9.49 Shop eBay
Chew 3 2492042003 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 3 Second Printing 3838327007 8.52 Shop eBay
Chew 3 Third Printing 0179394015 9.933 Shop eBay
Chew 4 1116613020 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 4 Second Printing 1177618005 9.826 Shop eBay
Chew 5 0165717008 9.940 Shop eBay
Chew 6 1063740020 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 7 1058576006 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 8 3732574012 9.620 Shop eBay
Chew 9 1063988015 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 10 1063988017 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 11 1003672006 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 12 0253714014 9.832 Shop eBay
Chew 12 Convention Edition 2017041014 9.840 Shop eBay
Chew 13 3731817002 9.832 Shop eBay
Chew 13 Second Printing 1058576024 9.826 Shop eBay
Chew 14 1063737028 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 15 1327562001 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 16 1126655011 9.832 Shop eBay
Chew 17 1327561005 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 18 3838327009 9.832 Shop eBay
Chew 19 1228712003 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 19 Convention Edition 1060957006 9.844 Shop eBay
Chew 20 1126655016 9.832 Shop eBay
Chew 21 1327562003 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 22 1177619002 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 23 1327562004 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 24 1126658016 9.832 Shop eBay
Chew 24 Convention Edition 1104100025 9.950 Shop eBay
Chew 25 1327561007 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 26 1177618015 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 27 3838327010 9.620 Shop eBay
Chew 27 Second Helping Edition 1177617002 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 28 1177617003 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 29 1177617009 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 29 Variant Edition 1118908026 9.844 Shop eBay
Chew 30 1327561008 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 31 1327561010 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 32 1327564002 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 33 1327562008 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 34 1327562009 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 35 1228712009 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 35 Convention Edition 1283436002 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 36 1228712011 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 37 1228712018 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 38 1236766011 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 39 1236781009 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 40 1327561012 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 41 1327562010 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 42 1327562011 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 43 3731817009 9.832 Shop eBay
Chew 44 1327564004 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 45 1327564005 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 46 1327562014 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 47 1327564009 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 48 1327563007 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 49 3731817011 9.620 Shop eBay
Chew 50 1327566001 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 50 Convention Edition 1327564011 9.844 Shop eBay
Chew 51 1327566004 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 52 1327561014 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 53 1327561016 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 54 3838327012 9.832 Shop eBay
Chew 55 1265798022 9.832 Shop eBay
Chew 56 3744000015 9.832 Shop eBay
Chew 57 1596380004 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 58 1596380005 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew 59 1596380006 9.622 Shop eBay
Chew 60 1596380007 9.622 Shop eBay
The Art of Chew nn 0982983019 9.848 Shop eBay
The Art of Chew nn Larry's Comics Edition 1118022021 9.844 Shop eBay
Chew 2010 Sketchbook nn 1019223021 9.853 Shop eBay
Chew 2010 Sketchbook/NOLA Exclusive Edition nn 1327563001 9.853 Shop eBay
Chew 2011 Sketchbook nn 1061066015 9.853 Shop eBay
Chew 2012 Sketchbook nn 1327563003 9.853 Shop eBay
Chew 2012 Sketchbook nn Convention Edition 1063999002 9.853 Shop eBay
Chew 2013 Sketchbook nn 3838327003 9.841 Shop eBay
Chew Script Book 1 1061097001 9.944 Shop eBay
Chew: Behind the Scenes nn 1327564001 9.853 Shop eBay
Image Firsts: Chew 1 1063997011 9.826 Shop eBay
Image Firsts: Chew 1 2012 1177618002 9.826 Shop eBay
Hero Comics nn (2011) 1101542016 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew: Secret Agent Poyo 1 1063986027 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew: Secret Agent Poyo 1 Convention Edition 1147976020 9.844 Shop eBay
Chew: Secret Agent Poyo 1 Second Printing 1177619012 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew/Revival One-Shot 1 1596380003 9.826 Shop eBay
Chew: Warrior Chicken Poyo nn 2126387013 9.832 Shop eBay
Chew: Warrior Chicken Poyo nn Convention Edition 1275281004 9.844 Shop eBay
Chew: Warrior Chicken Poyo nn Second Printing 3838327015 9.620 Shop eBay
Chew: Demon Chicken Poyo nn 1575819015 9.835 Shop eBay
Chew: Demon Chicken Poyo nn Sketch Edition 3731817015 9.832 Shop eBay
Outer Darkness/Chew 1 Convention Edition 1563915016 9.832 Shop eBay

All Set Comics/Scores

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