Savage Tales vol 2. #1, 1st appearance of The “Nam “5th to the 1st”
I started reading The ‘Nam with issue #2, bought off the rack from the local convenience store in Lynn, MA. Seeing Michael Golden’s portrayal of the machine gun team rocking that M60 lured me in. I don’t know if it is nostalgia or what but its still my favorite cover of the series. I came from a long line of combat veterans spanning back to WW1. My father was no exception as he served in the Vietnam War as a door gunner on a Huey. So seeing a comic titled “The ‘Nam”, I had to check it out.

The series was losing my interest around issue #30 or so. Granted I did enjoy a few stories here and there. One that really stands out is issue #45, the origin of First Sergeant Jim Tarver aka “TOP”. This issue covered his early experiences in the service during the Korean War when the military was desegregating its force and how it shaped his personality later on in his career. It humanized him and allowed the reader to have empathy for a character who essentially screwed people over for his own personal gain. Another fantastic one is issue #42, the trial of LT Biggs, who was accused of murdering one of his own troops during a helicopter extraction.
I really started liking the series again when The Punisher made his appearance in issue #52. I know this is not a popular opinion amongst a lot of the earlier readers but being a HUGE Punisher fan I was very much into it. I like how the writer tied the Punisher’s “Deaths Head” into the plot, essentially creating its first origin. From that issue on I felt the series really got back on track. Even though it didn’t follow the original premise of being in “real time”, I enjoyed the focus on special operations missions and the reemergence of Edward Marks (the focal character of the first 12 issues).

The ‘Nam #’s 7, 9, 27, 53, 65, 84 (Final Issue)
The Punisher Invades The ‘Nam: The Final Invasion TPB contains the unpublished issues 84-86. The indica on the label is incorrect in stating that the book reprints The ‘Nam 52, 53, 67-69. I tried to add this book to the set but was told that TPB’s are not allowed on the registry. Regardless, I figured I would add it to my set in some form so here it is…
Punisher Invades The ‘Nam: Final Invasion
I would like to thank the following board members: stacker (who has the number one slot) for the inspiration to start this set and for selling me his extra copy of issue #11. ADAMANTIUM, Iconic1s, and Sauce Dog for assisting me with the creation of this set description.
The title of this set comes from an old Army running cadence and my own military career. I served in the Army for 20 years, over a decade of that was in the 75th Ranger Regt; climbing the ranks from assistant machine gunner to Platoon Sergeant in the said unit. I find it ironic that as a kid issue 27 was my favorite story and later in life I became a Ranger. I was also fortunate to start my military service as a guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Because of this I can definitely relate to the characters and situations in this series; from the perspective of the lower enlisted to the senior NCO’s.
SSG Parabellum: circa 2003, Savannah, GA; post Iraq invasion
“All I ever wanted to be was an Airborne Ranger with a CIB…..”
1st Ranger Bn. Shoulder Sleeve Insignia “Ranger Scroll”
Combat Infantryman’s Badge “CIB”
Ranger Tab “Black and Gold”
Master Parachutist Badge “Master Blaster”
Pathfinder Badge “Torch”
Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Identification Badge
This set is dedicated to my father “Parabellum Sr.” (1953-2009). Thank you for teaching me the virtues of manhood. Your words of wisdom and sometimes hard lessons throughout my younger years made me the man I am today. I know at times it seemed as though I wasn’t listening but rest assured I was. I wouldn’t have had the successes in my life without your guidance. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. Until that day….R.I.P