Set Category: Ancients

Set Name: The Roman Empire

Set Description: The Roman Empire: the very words invoke images of architectural grandeur, indulgent excesses, and military conquest. Rooted in both Hellenistic and divine worlds, ancient Rome grew into a powerful Republic before transitioning into the greatest Empire the world had ever seen. In fact, the Roman Empire at its height comprised two and half million square miles - including much of Europe, Africa and Asia – and one in every five residents on planet Earth. The Roman Empire, like its Republican predecessor, lasted a half millennium, before another transformation, this time into the Byzantine Empire, which survived nearly another millennium. Considering the geographical extent and longevity of their culture, it is no wonder the ancient Romans profoundly influenced our modern world.

This grand history — the glory and ignominy — provides the backdrop for this NGC Ancients Custom Set. Coins are presented chronologically, spanning from the late Republic to the early decades of the Byzantine Empire. Like the Roman Empire herself, this set is highly diverse, comprising numerous denominations (from nummus to denarius to solidus), mints (from Ambianum to Rome to Antioch), and attributions (from Emperors and Empresses to usurpers and enemies). Some personages warrant multiple coins for different reigns or other variation of numismatic interest. The commentary accompanying each coin provides the historical context, (with some admitted and unavoidable overlap). Coins can be perused (Gallery mode recommended) either individually or in sequential order.

From the start of this collection, I find myself ever more fascinated with ancient Rome and her history, and hope you will, as well.

The set is currently 67% complete (97 coins present out of 145 slots); some coins may be pending grading and/or owner's comments.

Varying denominations are represented from nummus to solidus. Detailed grading statistics are as follows: Gem MS=1%, Ch MS=16%, MS=57%, Ch AU=21%, AU=3%, XF=1%, VF=1%; Strike 5/5=75%, Strike 4/5=22%, Strike 3/5=3%; Surface 5/5=62%, Surface 4/5=30%, Surface 3/5=9%, Fine Style=4%, Star Designation=17%.

Set Goals: Discover the Roman Empire through numismatics.

Owner:     Kohaku

custom-ancient-noNumber.png Best Ancient Custom Set

Signature Set Details:
Slot NameCoin InfoGraded ByCountry
Founding of Rome: Romulus and Remus NGC 
The Roman Republic NGC 
Julius Caesar NGC 
Brutus NGC 
Marc Antony   
Augustus, with Caius and Lucius Caesars NGC 
Pontius Pilate   
Nero NGC 
Vespasian NGC 
Domitian NGC 
Nerva NGC 
Trajan NGC 
The Parthians NGC 
Antonius Pius NGC 
Faustina Sr. NGC 
Marcus Aurelius NGC 
Faustina Jr.   
Lucius Verus NGC 
Lucilla NGC 
Commodus NGC 
Didius Julianus   
Julia Maesa NGC 
Septimus Severus NGC 
Julia Domna NGC 
Caracalla NGC 
Plautilla NGC 
Geta, Reign as Co-Augustus NGC 
Geta, Reign as Caesar NGC 
Macrinus NGC 
Elagabalus NGC 
Julia Paula NGC 
Julia Mamaea (Post 2nd Denarius Revaluation) NGC 
Julia Mamaea (Post Denarius Revaluation) NGC 
Severus Alexander Ancient Forgery NGC 
Severus Alexander NGC 
Maximinus I NGC 
Gordian I and II   
Pupienus NGC 
Balbinus NGC 
Gordian III NGC 
The Sassanid Empire   
Philip I, Reign as sole Augustus NGC 
Philip I, co-Reign with Philip II NGC 
Philip II, co-Reign with Philip I NGC 
Philip II, as Caesar NGC 
Otacilia Severa NGC 
Trajan Decius NGC 
Herennius Etruscus NGC 
Herennia Etruscilla NGC 
Trebonianus Gallus NGC 
Volusian NGC 
Valerian I NGC 
Gallienus NGC 
Valerian II NGC 
Salonina NGC 
Postumus, Romano-Gallic Empire NGC 
Marius, Romano-Gallic Empire   
Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Empire NGC 
Tetricus, Romano-Gallic Empire NGC 
Macrianus, Usurper   
Quintillus NGC 
Claudius Gothicus NGC 
Aurelian, Pre-Reform Coinage NGC 
Aurelian, Post-Reform Coinage NGC 
Severina NGC 
Tacitus NGC 
Probus NGC 
Numerian NGC 
Carinus NGC 
Diocletian, Reign as co-Augustus, Pre-Reform Coinage NGC 
Diocletian, Reign as Tetrarchal Eastern Augustus, Post-Reform Coinage NGC 
Tetrarchal Argenteus (issue of Maximian or possibly Galerius) NGC 
Maximian, Reign as Tetrarchal Western Augustus, Post-Reform Coinage NGC 
Maximian, Reign as co-Augustus, Pre-Reform Coinage NGC 
Constantius I, Reign as Tetrarchal Western Caesar NGC 
Constantius I, Reign as Tetrarchal Western Augustus NGC 
Constantius I, Reign as Tetrarchal Western Augustus NGC 
Galerius, Reign as Tetrarchal Eastern Caesar NGC 
Severus II   
Constanine I, Reign as Sole Augustus NGC 
Constantine I, Reign as Tetrarchal Western Caesar NGC 
Constantine I, Reign as Western Augustus NGC 
Helena NGC 
Maximinus II NGC 
Licinius I, Reign as Tetrarchal Western Augustus NGC 
Licinius I, Reign as Eastern Augustus NGC 
Constantine II, Reign as Caesar   
Constantine II, Reign as Co-Augustus   
Delmatius NGC 
Crispus NGC 
Constantius II, Reign as Caesar NGC 
Constantius II, Reign as co-Augustus NGC 
Constantius II, Reign as co-Augustus NGC 
Constantius II, Reign as Sole Augustus NGC 
Constans NGC 
Constantius Gallus   
Barbarians NGC 
Magnentius NGC 
Decentius NGC 
Poemenius NGC 
Julian II   
Valentinian I   
Valentinian II   
Theodosius I   
Aelia Flaccilla NGC 
Magnus Maximus   
Eugenius NGC 
Honorius NGC 
Theodosius II   
Valentinian III   
Marcian NGC 
Vandals and the Sack of Rome in 455 AD Raw 
Leo I   
Anastasius I NGC 
Ostrogoths NGC 
Theoderic NGC 
The Last Roman: Justinian I NGC 

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