Spencer Collection of World and U.S. Historical Medals Including So-Called Dollars
MI-251/44 AR, Queene Anne's Bounty


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description: SILVER 1959 CO HK-UNL DENVER 1859 - 1959 RUSH TO THE ROCKIES
Grade: NGC MS 67
Owner: Spencer Collection
Set Category: Token & Medals
Set Name: Spencer Collection of World and U.S. Historical Medals Including So-Called Dollars
Slot Name: MI-251/44 AR, Queene Anne's Bounty
Research: Currently not available

Owner's Description

Medal, 1959, Silver, DENVER 1859-1959, RUSH TO THE ROCKIES, United States, Denver, CO, HK-UNL, as HK-545, but in silver, not nickel silver. Rare or Unique as Such. NGC MS67, Cert# 2579912-008. This medal is Designated as an "Additional Medal" of the Colorado Centennial, and was issued and designed by Leroy H. Bisterfeldt, Denver; 19,000 Nickel-silver and 101 Gold specimens struck. Of former number, "about 10,000" were sold as medals for $1 through U.S. National Bank, Denver, sole distributor; "about 4,000" were made up into bolo ties, tie clasps and other centennial novelties; balance of 5,000 Nickel-silver then stored. NONE are reported in Silver, this being the first seen. Issuer advised that each Gold medal come from placer mine nugget of pure Montana gold, cold-rolled to avoid violation of Federal statutes; that no Gold medals ever had been released up to December, 1961. It was contemplated then that these gold specimens might be available "in a couple of years." While dies apparently have not been destroyed, it was asserted that "no more medals of any kind ever will be struck." Obv. Mountains and buildings; at top Rush to the Rockies / Centennial; at bottom Denver / 1959 / microscopic ©. Rev. Pioneer buildings and houses; at top Denver, Colorado; at bottom 1859 / microscopic ©. HK-545 Nickel-silver. 33mm. HK-545a Aluminum. HK-545b Brass. HK-546 Gold. HK-UNL Silver ?

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