Spencer Collection of World and U.S. Historical Medals Including So-Called Dollars
MI-251/44 AR, Queene Anne's Bounty


Coin Details


Set Details

Grade: NGC MEDAL MS 66
Owner: Spencer Collection
Set Category: Token & Medals
Set Name: Spencer Collection of World and U.S. Historical Medals Including So-Called Dollars
Slot Name: MI-251/44 AR, Queene Anne's Bounty
Research: Currently not available

Owner's Description

Medal, 1965, AE, CONCORD NEW HAMPSHIRE BICENTENNIAL STAGECOUCH MEDAL, United States, New Hampshire, So Called Dollar, HK-UNL, NGC MS66, Cert# 2575265-004. issued to commemorate the bicentennial of Concord New Hampshire. A Product of the Concord Rotary Clib. The coin has crisp graphics on either side. The one side features The Concord Coach. The world famous coach built by Abbot-Downing in Concord New Hampshire and immortalized by Wells Fargo. The Concord Coach played an integral part in our young nation's westward expansion. The scene shows the six horse drawn Concord Coach in great detail. The opposite of the coin features the State House in the center and the words The Wilderness Was Glad for Them above and Law, Education, Religion, 1855, below the State House. There is reference to the Penecook American Indian fort and the words Concord New Hampshire Bicentennial 1765 - 1965. There is Penecook in a banner above the state house and an additional banner at the bottom with the words Concord Adopted Charter.

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