Spencer Collection of World and U.S. Historical Medals Including So-Called Dollars
MI-251/44 AR, Queene Anne's Bounty


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description: MEDAL GREGORIVS XVI PAPAL POPE 1831-1846
Owner: Spencer Collection
Set Category: Token & Medals
Set Name: Spencer Collection of World and U.S. Historical Medals Including So-Called Dollars
Slot Name: MI-251/44 AR, Queene Anne's Bounty
Research: Currently not available

Owner's Description

Medal, 1835, AE, POPE GREGORY XVI PAPAL MEDAL, Commemoration of the Piercing of the Catilus Tunnel for a Mineralogical Project. NGC MS64BN, Cert# 3234155-006. Gregorius XVI, 1831-1846. Size: 43mm. Weight: 28.8g. Obv. Bust Left, wearing cap and cape with fur collar. Around, GREGORIUS XVI.PONT.MAX.AN.IV; Below: CERBARA.IO.F. Rev. Reclining male to right, holding cornucopia in front of building; behind: mountainous landscape with figure driving cattle, figure on horseback, and a woman carrying a bundle on her head and leading a child. Exurgue: CATILLO.MONTE.AD.ANIENEM/AVERTENDUM,PERFOSSO/ELVVIONUM.CLAUDIBUS/OCCVRRIT; on listel: CERBARA.JOSEPH.E. GREGORY XVI was born Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari (1765-1846), became cardinal in 1826, eventually elected pope after a 50 day conclave. His pontificate was conservative and troubled, at that time the papal states were under the military occupation of France. Ref. Forrer I, Pg 186; Bartoli 1967, no. E834; Patrignani.Gregorio XVI, no. 28; "Raccolta Pontifica" no. 619; Milan V.2, no. 1207.

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