Heraldic Art Medals
1965 Eli Whitney


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description:
Grade: NGC MS 69
Owner: Don "Smitty" Smith
Set Category: Token & Medals
Set Name: Heraldic Art Medals
Slot Name: 1965 Eli Whitney
Research: See NGC's Census Report for this Coin

Owner's Description

The obverse design: "The colony of New Jersey came into being in a series og grants and land transfers which culminated in the cession by James, Duke of York, of the land between the Delaware and the Hudson to two proprietors, John, Lord Berkeley, and Sir George Carterel, King Charles II, shortly after the restoration, had granted the lands between Virginia and New England to his brother, later King James II, in an effort to force out the Dutch and Swedes who had settled there. Legend: NEW JERSEY TERCENTENARY / 1664 / 1964 / JAMES DUKE OF YORK". Reverse design: "The proprietory seal of the province of New Jersey, with the arms of Carteret and Berkeley alternating with their monograms , taken from an early document in the state archives. The name New Jersey was chosen in deference to Carteret, who had ably defended the Isle of Jersey in the English Civil War. Legend surrounding: SIGILLUM (seal) PROVINCIAE CESARAE NOVAE".

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