Heraldic Art Medals
1965 Eli Whitney


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description:
Grade: NGC MS 68
Owner: Don "Smitty" Smith
Set Category: Token & Medals
Set Name: Heraldic Art Medals
Slot Name: 1965 Eli Whitney
Research: See NGC's Census Report for this Coin

Owner's Description

The obverse design: "Pioneer mother and her son, recalling monuments at Topeka, "Pioneer Woman" and Council Grove, "Madonna of the Trail". Settlers of Kansas, "State of the Immigrant", represented from the beginning pioneers from every other state and many European countries; a diligent population has been the state's greatest resource. She holds a wheat sheaf (Kansas' crop leads the nation) and he a stalk of sunflower. Behind them, the origional territorial capital at Pawnee; before, the present Topka state house. Legend above: KANSAS STATEHOOD / 1861; in exergue, between cottonwood sprays, 1961". Reverse design: Elements of the state seal are seen in the plowing scene, as the pioneer father tills the soil at dawn. In the sky, 34 stars symbolic of Kansas as the 34th state. Above, the motto AD ASTRA PER ASPERA, "To the Stars Through Difficulties", recalling the bitter Free State-Slavery conflict accompanying statehood. In exergue, relics of other nations figuring in Kansas history; a Spanish halberd, emblematic of Coronado's 1541 expedition in the futile search for Quivira and its gold; a flint lance head of the"South Wind (Kansas)" people, and a French cross, symbolic of the Mississippi basin explorations of Maruuette and Joliet in 1673". Production numbers for the Kansas gold issue was reportedly only 48 pieces.

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