Heraldic Art Medals
1965 Eli Whitney


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description:
Grade: NGC MS 69
Owner: Don "Smitty" Smith
Set Category: Token & Medals
Set Name: Heraldic Art Medals
Slot Name: 1965 Eli Whitney
Research: See NGC's Census Report for this Coin

Owner's Description

The obverse design: A standing figure of a scout symbolizes the more than 28,000,000 former members of the Boy Scouts of America who have gained in self-reliance, moral stature and citizenship by participation in the respected and beloved movement over its fifty years of existence. Legend: BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA / 1910 / 1960." The reverse: "A representation of the American Boy Scout emblem surrounding a star of honor. The Boy Scout badge is derived directly from the origional Baden-Powell design, in which the fleur-de-lis represents a compass point arrowhead for North, suggesting that the Scout should be as dependable as a compass and should point the way as surely. The American eagle distinguishes the national design from similiar badges around the world. Legend surrounding: FOR GOD & COUNTRY - 50 YEARS OF SERVICE".

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