BoneHeads Collection of Error Coins
Partial Brockage


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description: $1 SACAGAWEA BLANK
Owner: BoneHead
Set Category: Mint Errors
Set Name: BoneHeads Collection of Error Coins
Slot Name: Partial Brockage
Research: Currently not available

Owner's Description

This slot contains a a nice small collection of mint cancelled Blanks and Planchets. - In 2003 the United States Minted adopted the European process for disintegrating coinage. This process saved the mint from those security expenses associated with the transportation and destruction of coinage and mint spoils. This coin-crushing machine was developed by Kusters Engineering of Venlo, The Netherlands. This system consists of a large feed hopper, conveyor belt and two large interlocking triangular patterned deformation rollers that are capable of demonetizing a large amount of coins at a high level of deformation regardless of diameter, thickness or composition alloy of the condemned materials. The pattern imposed on the coinage resembles a waffle, hence the name “Waffler”.

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