Jon Lorenzo Business Strike Trade Dollar Collection


Coin Details


Set Details

Origin/Country: United States
Design Description: TRADE DOLLARS
Item Description: T$1 1875 S/CC TYPE 1 REV FS-501
Grade: NGC MS 64
Owner: Jon Lorenzo
Winning Set: Jon Lorenzo Business Strike Trade Dollar Collection
Date Added: 8/19/2004
Research: Currently not available

Owner's Description

THIS COIN: A sharply struck overmintmark S/CC Trade Dollar. The "C" mintmark remnant, located to the right of the "S" mintmark, is clearly visible to the unaided eye. Surfaces are graced with lovely light original toning with hints of reddish blue, splashes of gold and purple highlights. Strong cartwheel effects dazzle the highly reflective fields on both the obverse and reverse. Type I reverse.
BACKGROUND: The 1875-S/CC is the only known overmintmark in the Trade Dollar series. For reasons unclear, a few Type I reverse dies with "CC" mintmark letters had the mintmark partially removed and overpunched with an "S" mintmark. No separate production records exist. Mintage was included in the 1875-S production of 4,487,000 and most probably the overmintmark quantity was only a small fraction of this total.

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