Well, every mentor has to have tutelage themselves, but sometimes personal life lessons are hard to pass on to others. Somehow and someway the lessons live on! Given Peter Parker and his past in this universe, how long will those lesson last? Some comradery needed; the 2 "friends" will try their hands at being "Spider-Men" together! In comes the "New!" and the blessed reunion of the heroes, within this Spidey-Universe. No Fallout will not be the end, the Miles and Spider-men will keep at it for the webs are NOT put out to pasture!
Plenty of beef to be had amongst newcomers, although it is like a rock through a stranger's window for a grudge, I pray for peace between Teacher and Student. Let the Faith healing begin, as we are all able to learn the lesson!!
"Courtesy of Imgur"
Spider-men is the buddy game within the universe. By picking the main two picked out from the bunch to having them interact makes for a good, however, expected use of time with making the whole of a universe get along. It needs the core people to have a friendship, and by surmising them all up between these two, makes sense. By way of tutelage or otherwise making the best of it, brought together by the cause of villains, and ends up making something that is encouraging for Spidey's Universe. Swinging for two is like being given something that in turn needs to be given to others and each other first. A "Bromance", and it can't be explained any other way! It is mostly a bonding type of series, and with not that many firsts to speak of, they are making a splash of it. Noting these two are friends, and that's pretty much it, between these tumultuous and exciting times in both their lives. As a first comes and goes, it is the first ongoing for friendship, not a token bond, but to help character build, as it is all the more in earnest to feel, read, and collect.