Soldier on, it is time for the Winter Soldier to dawn the light of day. Complete in this series, that takes it to the movies and beyond, but it takes the bonds that tie. Will the relationships ever be the same, and exactly who's fault can it be that some are turned to the soldiering ways? Don't look back Captain America, you've done the best that you can. Even Iron Man comes looking for the resolutions, but is all exactly what it seems? Tune in patriot!
Winter Soldier turned Captain America, turned soldier, turned topsy turvy hand to hand combat and in a most vigilant and decisive way!
Bucky Barnes is bucking trends to become the sniper. He off's the Red Skull in issue #1, so he looks as though to be on the side of good and America's welfare, but when opportunity comes a knocking, Will it fair as well between him and Captain America? The life is in the blood plus the ties that bind, and cannot be erased as easily with a bullet or a stray sense of reality, but loyalty is rather a fickle line of crossing within such a world building universe! Red Skull? Is he truly out of the picture? How about testing THAT in a lab! A fudge on any resume will always inhibit a job, but the proof is always found wanting within our good reads of comics. The end is not as easy as a beginning, as easy times are harder to find. Take heart, because these shots at freedom are for the good of mankind!