This parody starts out strong, with 1st appearances along the way. These stories follow the Destroyer Duck and the onslaught that is inevitable, when the action of a hero is needed. This isn't your uncle's "Duck!" Complete with a Barbarian of sorts, named GROO! Who can captivate with his silly simpleness, a testament to classic youthful ideas and writing. These kinds of things could fly today and under the radar, unless new blood is found for them.
The Duck the Destroyer, it can be taken seriously, and certainly as serious as any Groo collector. Hype aside great innovative characters that take the world around them and attribute the satire and comedy. All very satisfying tongue and cheek!
The nickname "Ducky" is for something or someone that you find affectionate, cute, or lovable. Not beyond the reach of a GROO character or a Duck in the form of a gun toting marksman. Waddling off the set it would become apparent that some things were deemed for kids but made these grins for those adults reading as well. Flashes in the pan can sizzle and seem hot, while encouraging the hunger for somethings not so seriously regurgitated. Ducks with mouths to feed or swords drawn by a unseeming enabler can dawn a panel and just bring joy for their character and style. May not be too original for a storyboard, but a definite A plus for presentation. We got to get them in somehow, those antics for "show and tell", to friends and collectors of any age!